GI Turbo - The Town are Victorious!

you dare question my vote on Wazza!?

@Italy @Intensify @Insanity @Amelia @MaximusPrime @KyoDaz @EliThePsycho

oh wait

I can only shoot rulebreakers :eyes:

something something you cant vote the host

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Yes, I removed the King Election as I got tired of it.

/vote Chloe

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we’ve finally destroyed the patriarchy

Screw it
/vote Kyo

Should we release PK from the sweet cycle of death™ /s

Chloe has been modkilled! They were the…
Super Nerd

wait wrong person

Gamer Votecount

Accused Voters Count
Chloe Wazza 1/1

But why :eyes:

Votecount Stuff

Accused Voters Count
KyoDaz Intensify 1/4

/vote Intensify

Incredibly opportunistic

/vote kyodaz
since my internet turns off may as well sheep

I don’t believe it.
No one’s voting anyways, I might as well do something

Day ends in 5 minutes. Also, Chloe has been lynched! They were:

Some random person in a call with me rn for some reason.

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Votecount Stuff

Accused Voters Count
KyoDaz Intensify, PK 2/4
Infensify KyoDaz 1/4

That’s him saving his partner