GI Turbo - The Town are Victorious!

amelia got killed by the only italy role in the game
italia is no more

and then converted you into a win


so many replies


Italy was the:

Hey guys we can basically make this the cookie thread but we put effort into the posts

Town Killer

Not a good idea (passive) -You think you are funny. But you aren’t. Whoever is deemed to have the most off-topic posts in the game thread will be poisoned and die at the end of the day unless healed

Abort mission (day) - Heal a player of poison

Defeat all who oppose the town

Intensify was the:


Miraculous Support
Secret Identity (Passive) - If you claim any form of your class in the main thread, all protective abilities will fail on you and your Enhanced Defense passive will fail. Also, once you use Shell-ter, you will revert back to Nino Lahiffe.
Enhanced Defense (Passive) - If you get attacked for the first time, it will be negated. This passive only works once even if you return to being Carapace.
Taking it Slow (Day) - Select a player. Other players will be prevented from visiting them tonight. - Infinite Uses
Shell-ter (Night) - Send a player a shield that lasts until they get attacked. The shield will disappear in place of the target dying. - 1 Use
Your objective is to eliminate all threats to the Town, Blue Dragon, and other uninformed majority classes.

Insanity was the:

The Heiress

BD Support
Would you like some tea? (Day): Hand someone a cup of tea. They will be unable to be occupied the following night. (Inf Uses)
Tea Party! (Night): Give two players an invite to a tea party. The next night phase, they will be put into a private chat with you. They will also be occupied and protected. (3 uses)
Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Maximus was the:



Town “Pokèmon” [Social]
Apparently a Pokèmon (Passive): Though you appear to be an ordinary mole, you are actually a Pokèmon.
Dig (Night): Target a player. If they are a Pokèmon, you and that player will both be added to the Pokèmon neighborhood.
Earthquake (Night): Target a player in the Pokèmon neighborhood. You will know if they visited anyone or were visited by anyone (you will not know which happened) (1 use)

aight cya

also i still think i’d rule this class as not killing someone D1

given its a poisoner who also has a heal and it’s physically impossible to heal your D1 poison

poisons are usually at start of day

Amelia died, nerd.

Too bad I wasn’t converted reeeee

i thought it was meant to poison the most off topic person at the next SoD

Anyway, that’s the end, I’m not hosting another one, we might play BotC later but I wanted to eat but y’all somehow got 7 players. Farewell.

im pretty sure thats how its supposed to work


and then PK drops dead and
town wins

What are BotC again :thinking:

but to be fair i’m 99% sure that convertaly is an in thread dayvig

convertaly (kyo) dayvigged amelia then fucking died like an italy should

fun fact
amelia was the one who designed convertaly in particular
they died to their own creation

yes but I deserved it because nightless gi is

dumb :^)

(also don’t tell chloe but amelia hasn’t changed convertaly’s classtype yet)


scum having a 1 shot dayvig and conversion in a 7p is dumber

scum getting executed day 1 and then the final scum being EoD poison killed on day 1 is dumber…er