Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

I’ll sit comfortably knowing you get turbo’d if you do

eli should be in minzone imo
explain zone for me again please
and explain blue

and can i have my own category since im special

it’s sorted by gender



I’m actually gonna read thread cause marshals fucking awful post is making me legit mad

you aren’t even trying to play the game if you think a random throwaway post mash comment about how I made sure I couldn’t be sort by post count killed is the same as jokingly fluffing cause someone scum reads me for having a high post count

like how cringe is this

turns out it was just this and corrupt votes. The one i kept coming back to was corrupt, but i couldnt find it in my quick skim, till i just isoed myself

I didnt have the convo i thought i had, but i told him he was tunneled post game as he saw my legacy and ignored it. These two were post game. But yeah doesnt make me feel better bout the slot but finally figured out what game it was i just was forgetting it. I had a lot of problems with the just play in that game between the tunnel and moles tunnel. Uh like again it feels different from here, but now that can be off my mind. It was those two games

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this is why i dont have the energy to butt heads with esooa



don’t make trash posts and I’ll be fine shrug

I didn’t notice you ever incessantly fluff thread in Hydramash or Team mafia

why did i make this post

read thread was meant to be leave thread

anyways I’m doing that now

am i needed
I’d rather not be needed on account of fever

oh you mean the game I posted over 400 times in a day phase? quality read

feel better

take care of yourself

At least those posts had over 30% content lul

Dont even think ur over >rand wolf but ur fluffing like a madwoman and its so pepega to say u can’t see why I have the read

is this a “you better get your ass in here” vote

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I feel u have these a bit high

and these a bit low. I guess the big ones i ask is Why gorta above line when hes like got nothing to his name. Uh PKR tell me more why u townread em. And uh chloe why she low

I hate u /s

has a read on every single slot which I’ve explained and have explained changes in my reads

“idk sometimes you fluff”