Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

MistyX was executed.

MistyX was…

Pannacotta Fugo!
Her Stand: Purple Haze

SOD Is in 12 hours at Noon CST. Action Deadline is at 2021-03-31T16:00:00Z.

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Day Breaks

In the night, the following corpse was found.

Chloe has died.

She was…
Leone Abbacchio
Her Stand: Moody Blues

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(You all get an extra 10 minutes since i’m about to get lunch)

Day 3 Begins

Day will end at 2021-04-02T05:00:00Z or when majority is reached.

With 8 players alive, majority is 5.



slams desk

screams again because damn that shit hurt

Damnit Chloe, you weren’t supposed to be the “die” in “ride or die”

Esooa, I need news

Nutella, I also need news

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Soulja Boy, tell em

Idk if I should like, wait for the person to post or anything

ik that spoils it aint blue

Fair noise

I need other people to post as well

Specifically News Pt. 2 from Esooa, and Dat would be nice too

But I will reveal fairly quickly anyway so we can solve from there (unless mist was scum and it’s just the one, but i am not feeling that tbh)

My news is I was on you

That’s what chloe wanted, so that’s what I did

Your boi had a feeling you were

I also wanted you on me, and I knew you’d follow through

WTF was that EOD2?
Why was it yet another “lynch the people who aren’t present at EOD”?