Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

that was the flavor

also the question i asked mist goes to everybody

if anybody has any other ideas for an elim now is the time to bring them to the table
we have 1 hour and a CFD with our names on it

if we cant come up with a consensus elim i suggest PKR



is cheese like actually openwolfing rn or am i delirious

the sequel to when mountainous 15er with katze/marshal are ruining the game turning into mountainous 15er with chloe/marshal ruining the game instead

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Where do you see this lmao

Ok now here me out…

the like probably joke posts about not being town or w/e and also voting chloe

I thought her early ISO wasn’t great, and given her track record in mashes she has a relatively polarizing meta, so I’m pretty sure I’d be getting some good vibes from her if she was v here

I didn’t like her interactions with you, they generally felt like attempts at pocketing as opposed to actually solving your slot

And the way she’s flipped her read on me has felt ingenuine

eli is gone i think

@Mistyx unvote pls
am scare


I was those as awkward but not really openwolfing tbh

My other ideas would be ‘nutella’ and ‘mistyx’

mistyx moreso than nutella because I think her posting has been… meh, but PKR’s has arguably been meh-er and I’m too tired to tunnel misty for the 500th game in a row, so unless someone else wants to lead that train idt it’s happening

would either be voting gorta


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Cheese we are shooting gorta so his vengeful dont go off

you’ve been saying the same things and i just like

don’t get the sense this is a read you believe

i get the sense you have wolf agenda and think i am pushable town

i may not be like super obvtown but my reads and changes thereof have all been real while you are stuck in this one

not a good post

ur lucky esooa has dissapeared into lalaland for now or you’d probs be getitng an unironic cfd

do i pretend like marshal is macdougall and just sheep her decision here and hope we go for apoc


it being flipless means you can go even harder in pushes on town bc you dont get a definitive flip to prove you were wrong on me

Also can I just say

I dont mind eli keeping prophet, like anymore because he actually did put a bit more effort despite being really pressured

Dont care if we switch but I wouldn’t care if we saved it either