Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

We dont have lolwolves

Imma go back to sleep for a bit bc spring break finally

Now to lose my mind over whether mist makes that kill or not

Save your thinking

I would at least consider it enough to not clear me off of it, purely from a mechanical standpoint

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Any wolf with half a brain makes that kill tbh

Marshal was widely townread and its also mech optimal

Protective and manipulative role

I guessssssss

I have some mech news but I will hold it for later

I would like to wait for Eli and Esooa to check in because I want to see how much I need to reevaluate

because I literally townread everyone except nutella

I simply RBed Gorta just in case the shot wasn’t made and we wanted rid of him.

Better than RBing basically anyone else



First things first

Doc should be wifoming tonight

Any other plans can be figured out as the day goes on but

Doc has 1 more charge and is our last protective i think


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I’m the time mage I stop peoples actions including the factionals for one night. Well two kills went off

right back atcha

I thought you’d die for some reason so maybe I dont have half a brain :joy_cat:

btw im actually trying to fix my sleep schedule but now the hard part is like. Staying awake

Isnt this a bit obvious? Two people died

oh is factional assigned

Oh it’s supposed to work on the factional?

If i ever die it would be tonight since i can get a check

Marshal was protective and could also direct a kill back into wolves

Scary role for them

I was a VT last night
Not mechanically scary at all


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I assume things work on the factional unless otherwise stated

waves in roleblocker

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But it means someone didnt perform it. It’s not a greencheck as lw and two scumates exist possibly but we have some mech to go off of

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I really wanna go back to sleep but i also wanna wait for esooa/eli))):