Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

then dont use it

It’s based on who was and wasn’t around at the time Gorta’s wagon started ramping up

Hm… very well. Fair enough.

…now I have a problem: The more people I talk with, the more it seems as if all of them are town. I need some sort of discord to differentiate people, but so far the only effective discord is nutella’s take on Mist/myself. :neutral_face:


Also hello


I just- it pains me like french bread

My take that im waiting for eli on, might give us some discourse

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I also don’t wanna jump to many conclusions until we get this info

eh i could just say it now

Gorta wolf poggies

Nut why the ABSOLUTE hell did you target marshal


So it wouldn’t get messed up by bus driving

Gorta dies laat night in almost every world

We get gorta’s alignment last night in almost every world

That means half of your parity check is a confirmed alignment

So whoever you would pick tonight would be compared against said confirmed alignment

What the fuck

do we know if marshal bus drove? Idk if that was in plans

targeting marshal is fine

it’s not a normal cop it’s parity

the mech is way different


Am not smart




How to effectively ISO on this site again, I wanted to check a thing

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It’s like fine right lol

Pls I was so ill last night and didn’t want to think


awh huggie

yes it’s fine

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