Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

I guess roleblocker in this isn’t so much like a “I prevent you from acting” and more like “your role doesn’t exist for the next couple of phases”

PKR was town.


: /


now what

im not sure what to do with that information

that sucks alot though tbh


wait why did wel ynch PKR agian

i am stealing this

is it bad that i kinda expected that coming into today and after re-reading eod


so we have 2 wolves
priority is groupscum

lock in some towniebros

someone grab marshal’s legacy
i’ll be back in a bit

no wimdrop, nerds
we got this

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Marshal legacy
Uh prob need to figure out the poe

I’m also obviously not group with Gorta in case anyone cares

Primarily because half my day yesterday was spent arguing people like PKR and blue were town

I wanna look back for why she had cheese so high

And zone tbh mrr

Like ngl I was townreading cheese d1 but in retrospect not for great reasons and on re-iso wasn’t inso

wasn’t inspiring*

i feel like cheese is the type of player who is very easy to drop out of towncore as v

kinda like me

well for me you are poe but kinda trending up question mark

while cheese was like, a townread but a forgettable one

Dat kept trying to sell a sus on cheese and I didn’t agree because of basically one point, that he had a weird view of early pressure on eli that seemed towny in its incoherence

Which sounds really weak to todayme

mist + cheese poe that i can think off of the top of my head
that isn’t a prediction but

thoughts on zone?