Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

burden of proof isn’t on me since his posting today hasn’t actually moved the needle at all since yesterday

I’m just cringe

Ur probably right tho



Why am I so bad at reading aaa

Working on something but answer is like no, they had a few posts last night that were good, and they were kinda in a row, but i never put him over null cause of all the stuff before, and today has not impressed one bit or the othe parts of eod


i disagree

bc the needle for me was at a light but forgettable townread, the kind that has to be shored up

and it’s not holding up

Am I tired? Dumb? Wtf

no actually there’s just stuff going on with my friends

Aw I’m sorry

@clonedcheese come engage
your lack of presence has people wanting to yeet you to the stratosphere
and now that you are vanilla you are mechanically useless

you gotta hold your own socially
i wont be holding your hand

do things

well it wasn’t for me


why do i feel like your reads havent changed all game

imma be back in a bit

i kinda wanna lurk regardless and let other people talk

i feel like i have a chokehold on the thread and i dont want this to turn into a game revolving around me bc thats kinda hecked up

can i not just

why do i feel like you’re asking this in bad faith

eli is also vt now and also not holding up great

so atm i’m between those two


i guess it kinda was but

im open to listening if you wanna say it’s just your town style or w/e

When the hell did vt become “haha do not spend effort”

