Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

i mean like

i dont know what you want me to say

because thats a pretty big oversimplification

My question marks are confused on why you admitted your question was in bad faith

bc i was scumreading her and framed it in an accusatory way

and i acknowledge thats not really in good faith


I thought bad faith meant like

Bad intentions therefore wolfy

:joy_cat: I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed if you couldn’t tell

idk, if you believe you have had reads that adapted over time, talk about those

and if not, talk about why theyve remained static

that also may be what she meant lol

actually i guess your read on me has changed a bit so


i mean

i think my eli read was pretty dynamic

and the ones that have remained static have done so because like

i have had no reason to actually doubt the reasons i had in the first place?

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Fuck it

Blank post

yeah its gone from “wolfy” to “what is even going on tbh”

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bottom text

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whats going on is im bad at mech heavy solving brain

few hours ago
since I really have nothing i can do
game is practically mechsolved with assumed no social interactions that can be found :confused:

if it’s solved who are the wolves :joy_cat:

whoever the people with the interesting roles find out to be

I think nut and mist one of themare a wolf

Almost everytime they interact it makes me wanna cry (figuratively) there just is something that always feels bad


then wagon me coward

/vote mist
