Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

yeah i didn’t love that moment either


i said your thing was actually towny and took back my read on chloe b/c the logic didnt hold up


i didnt even say that

i said more villagery not villagery

i was the first vote on his wagon and parked on him until we decided to vig him

you’re doing the thing again

the thing where you pick out stuff to agree with instead of like

pointing out the stuff you don’t

i dont disagree with anything

those are just the points that resonated most

The wording is

Like there is wiggle room of like u didnt say it but u didnt not say it. But also doesnt adress the problem of like why was this post needed, as it just ignores the thread read i stated before that post, and like just shades for 0 reason

Again you say

something commonly used to say u townread someone. Its like the wordings right there in the post

Ok but again there was 0 push. Lets say Nut got elimmed yesterday instead of pkr would u want the credit for showing us that or does Zone deserve it cause he was there first hours before u.

i said it later on when asked about it

i said one specific thing was >rand v

i did not say the slot was at any point

iirc i also clarified this later on

por que no los dos

also something something tmi nutella w

Again thats ignoring

I found that post now, u did say the sum of the parts are still bad even if this part was good

Imo i think its the effort that pushes require is the only credit that should go to exes. Something i think ur play didnt give, I would say the same situation if nut was exed and zone wanted the same glory


we don’t know nutella is a wolf right

you saying that without that conditional makes me think that you do

or you just weren’t careful with wording either way and it’s nothing is the much more likely option

i dont have an answer to the other thing you asked

haven’t read the past 100 posts, kinda busy today

Cheese is town imo

heavily implies in was a hypothetical 1. 2 i own up that i deserve the credit for the PKR exe. It sucks i was wrong and i led everyone astray. But its still the wagon i pushed and i led. That wasnt anyone elses fault but mine and I made the mistake. So when how u were pushing for nut last night i would assume u and everyone else would say that was Mists wagon, not zones even though he was first. Regardless of the fact of whatever Nuts allignment is. I was making an analogy

my eyes glazed over at this post

it probably isnt relevant anyway i didnt really post that take for any reason

look at me making meaningless posts again

wowee what could that mean

oh wait


they’re meaningless

i’m tired

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well get some good sleep

sleep is for the weak

mist townie

dont @ me

this is aggro mist not anxious mist

type more later im busy constantly dying on ror2

see i think of wolf mist as aggro and town mist as anxious


i dont hate these last few posts lol

the truth is that its actually both as both it just manifests itself in different ways

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i think the main difference is like

im aggro under pressure and anxious normally as town

and vice versa as wolf

something like that

and yes this is self-meta but im also not emotionally stable enough to actually regulate it so i try to disguise it instead