Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory


we kill eli

we have pkr back up eli

we get to kill the wolfy dude that people dont want to kill and we dont lose the alignment receiver or the night flip results

win win

this is the name of my mathrock ska band

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Yes, it looked bussy

(I… I need a better word for that)

and you thinking about that was pretty villagery imo
so i liked it
thats it


anti town fake claim is the name of my emo grunge band


yes because PKR is a paragon of villageriness

That’s such a funny word


this is my hesitation yeah i’d rather just swap it to esoo

killing eli today gives us a single chance to get another alignment receiver (pkr)

esooa shooting eli (which i dont prefer, but i cant stop her) means cheese can swap him with someone
and once that someone dies, pkr can take the alignment receiver thing

us yeeting eli tomorrow means eli gives us the alignment of the person who dies today, we get a parity check on him to see if he was a villabro telling the truth, and the above paragraph is true as well

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tldr: the dude never dies today

sorry not sorry

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blue can stop me

the hero town needs

this yeah
swap then backup feels safer

ok but consider

eli is a wolf

and we want to yeet wolves

like if we really need to cheese can switch the receiver off of pkr anyway

heck we can yeet eli, have pkr back up eli, and then immediately switch the ability to esooa or whoever

but what if we just did it a day later

backup then swap is suboptimal bc backup has only one shot, would effectively waste it

Or we could keep flips in the game longer and go anywhere else instead of killing a guy who in reality is not super extremely wolfy

pkr isnt a mega villabro

and eli isnt a c o n f i r m e d wolf
the dude always freezes
we might as well get today’s yeet’s alignment from him in the offchance hes a villager

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he has made

one contentful post

out of forty eight

mist you’ve played like 500 games with the dude have you not

this is how eli works

and the fact that hes being forced to be obvtown likely doesnt help things