Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

well that just makes this even worse


Okay anyway

Is gorta where were going? I dont mind voting there but if part of towncore dies :joy_cat:

tldr read here

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also I’m not going to argue with Chloe about her read on me but suggesting I’m attempting to poe everyone is just not correct. I had before that happened changed my mind on her to town. I have argued why multiple scum read people are town. I’ve moved my zone read to town and haven’t commented on him for a while. I’ve consistently held towny players as town (min, dat, cheese). I simply have concerns over people like nutella


quick walk became a bike ride then dinner

atm I’m fine with letting Eli keep the role

Eli’s in my towncore off of wishful thinking but he’s still there nonetheless


yeah your point earlier that it felt like she was forcing agreements with me to pocket me is one of the reasons shes in my second tier over my first

think thats a legit concern
also think im not in the proper mindset to determine if thats true but the fact that i can see myself sorta agreeing with you makes me Not Comfortable putting her near cheese/marshal/dat


thanks homie

you’ve earned some townpoints

keep it up

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I don’t care that mistyx repeated it but by the way I said this about you/nut like… before mistyx even subbed in

i should probably finish that chloe iso before my internet turns off

but before i go

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my memory is petty and selective and chooses to only remember the times when you thought i was a wolf with nut :pensive:

but you probably did yeah

its less of the fact that im giving points to mist for it, its more of the fact that im removing points from nut for it

Im fucking dying

This is so great

I can’t take it its so good


forever damned to live in the poe huh

i can accept it for now

oh kk

this is semi acceptable

Okay so actions and stuff

what we doin?