Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

I actually don’t like blues recent posts though, and feel like he might be playing up ignorance

@an_gorta_pratai who is your vengeful on

this is a very important question and its extremely imperative that you discuss it with us

You reached nearing-4AM BlueStorm

Apologies if my content isn’t as coherent as 4PM BlueStorm or whenever it was I posted

that’s okay

just my thoughts atm

who do you think I should shoot

i like this post a lil’

tbh really just think esooa and chloe are both town and we should all just core up and ez game

also min lw dont at me


why do you think I’m town

if min gets shot by gorta

cheese should wifom between swapping eli and not swapping eli

because there will be nothing stopping wolves from killing esooa

does anybody have issues with this

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bus driver

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feels performative

wouldnt bus driver just kill/swap whoever marshal targets alongside you

cheese picks eli/esooa
marshal picks esooa/chloe
wolves try to kill esooa
chloe becomes alignment receiver, and dies

ooh yeah

that role is confusing

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hear me out

just vig blue lol

Boi do I wish I had an answer for you

Doc should(?) keep you alive so I don’t know if you need to shoot yet, maybe reserve it until Eli’s role has been swapped and then put him out to pasture if he’s not keeping up appearances?

Uh if we are just talking actions, is it fine if i just do mine on poe

jk he’d just block it but imagine

It’s called talking out loud

Or typing out loud, if you will

I had to rewrite that post a gajillion times to try and get the right words across and I still don’t know if I hit the mark

do yours on someone who doesnt have a super important action tonight
not min/cheese/esooa
not marshal either

arguably not nut since she gets a n1 parity

honestly probably blue