Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

was between blue, pkr, nut, mist and wifom it for fun

How does this work with time mage, actually?

blue should NOT be roleblocking tonight unless he is a wolf

i see no issue with using your time abil on him

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I can work with that tbh

what does time mage even do

i assumed it would push it back by a night

so the soonest check she gets is n3?

delays their action for a night

Delays someone’s action until the following night

So say I go to RB you tonight (which I won’t), and DatBird Time Mages me

I wouldn’t RB you until the following night

will their action go through even if they die?

That’s… a good question

I don’t think so?

Basically the ‘don’t target’ list is "Min, cheese, Esooa, Eli, Me, (possibly nutella depending on mech)

you can go to anyone else and should WiFoM it in the group of people remaining (keep it a wide pool, dont just choose PoE people, make it clear you are possibly checking anywhere outside of those so wolves have to WiFoM their factional)

your entrance/derpclear thingy and you’re in high content town meta (don’t wanna say “out of wolfrange” but like, just feel like you’re obvtowning with your engagement level)

You guys clarify that, I’m going to shower and then EoD glgl

the issue lies in the fact that if there is a single wolf within People Who Should Not Be Targeted By DatBird
they will do the factional

of the remaining PoE he should aim to target someone who has an action that could greatly help mafia
the roleblocker

I wish I had a role I could do something with instead of just being a worse escort

I’m a mechanical man dangit

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this is

not a bad thought process


ftr if this is agreed upon, someone else will have to ping cheese and tell him this

because the dude doesnt trust me and will not listen to my plan

I think that makes sense?

so just keep it large and unclear. Im wifoming it between these people then