Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

I cc chloe. Im chloe

we dont even get the dopamine rush from a red flip or the crushing depression of a town flip

this game sucks
i feel no emotions

1 Like


Votee Voted by Votes
PokemonKidRyan DatBird, BlueStorm, min, Marshal, Chloe 5/7
Mistyx Zone_Q11 (x2), nutella 3/7
an_gorta_pratai EliThePsycho 1/7
Chloe clonedcheese 1/7
nutella Mistyx 1/7
Not Voting PokemonKidRyan, Esooa, an_gorta_pratai 3

5 Minutes until EOD

We dont but eli does

esooa only wants the alignment receiver role so she can have fun

its not FAIR


half true


hey marshal can you vote me so it rands on to me and i can rage in dvc

when i cant find any blatant wolves
i vote the person with one with one in his pfp

its like an unspoken rule


pls stop fueling my you/marshal tinfoil

Its how Jake The Wolfie got caught

me @ 4maskwolf

unfortunate username buddy

Pumping out a quick legacy


^ I think the above are probably town. It’s too late to really give reasoning, and you shouldn’t blindly sheep me on any of these, but if one of these is getting run up you should take a deep look at their whole game and see why. If there’s a wolf in here it’s zone, maaaaaaaaybe eli, but it’s hopefully just pure.


^ I have both as a flavor of moderately villagery , but not in top tier at all. They’ve stayed in this zone. I think you guys will townread them when I die, and I can’t stop you, so have fun.


^ This should have 2-3 wolves, hopefully. I’d try to mow these down asap, I know only nutella mist and blue will remain tommorow but i’d take a look at them. I think at least 1 wolf is in nutella/mist, so let them duke it out and let the villagerier one win. If you’re nutella or mist, don’t argue with each other and instead make reads on other people, because that’s how you can be actually villagery. Don’t townread either one for just posting 1-liner reads, make 'em explain them.

The person reading this

^ Very gay


i really am living rent free inside your head huh

ive been quietly nursing a mist/marshal w/w read and theyre both stoking that fire with their latest posts


Marshal town reading me = gay

is this codespeak for ‘I randed wolf with gorta again and think there’s no chance I can win this thing and lowkey want to give up but would look bad if I did’

be honest

mist isnt talking to nut like she scumreads her and its weirdin me out brudda

im gay

20 seconds

i think ive been taken over by the version of me from an alternate dimension where this is the case

because thats a better explanation than any i’ve got