Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

We still cant say for sure if gorta was lw or group scum. But thats at least good to hear

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nice, as expected

just need that pkr info then

So let me get this straight: You and Mist have me as [a big question mark], and because I randomly voted Mist at D1, you decided that one of us is probably scum? :thinking:

Kinda, yeah

poe and stuff

just gonna @Chloe so she knows the esooa response is right here

lets go

I am assuming that you don’t know PKR’s alignment, and that we have to wait for Eli?

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I hope pkr was just mafia and we can go for the d2 sweep

Also going to have some scran now

I expect at least 150 messages I won’t read by the time I’m back

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I kid of course

Now that mechanics have been applied I do actually wanna try

I don’t know pkrs alignment

Alright. With that settled… Do we have anything to do aside from waiting for Eli to reveal PKR’s alignment?

eli does tho

zones iso but halfway through i stop commenting on it because im tired and lazy

tbh tbh

i see this and feel as if its really bold therefore townie to me? thinking if zone is this bold as mafia or not im not sure

This seems like something i used to say which is :joy_cat: but i again fail to understand why someone mafia would admit to literally not reading a post thats “too long”

people are saying this looks performative but i dont agree? i would be a bit confused if i was a doublevoter and came back to someone on L-3 at this point considering unimeko 2 was a game that existed and had 3 quickhammers in like the span of an hour

What i like about this is mostly the second part. Looking at what ive read from zone so far, although this can come from mafia trying to look helpful, it seems more likelier that zone thinks votes are pretty important (espeially with their small bit later reasoning saying that people not usually voting is an indicator of slanking on their homesite) so they were just paranoid that i was going to be one of those people who didnt vote or like yknow, play the game :wowee:

Tbh i dont get like, the whole “Zone barely” has any content thingy, :joy_cat: I see plenty? am i just built different? am i looking at stuff that isnt content and thinking it is? idk i just think hes asking plenty of questions and genuinely solving.

I especially like below because instead of going “wah just stop screaming 4head” or something like that they want to know why esooa doesnt like their posts

overall my conclusion is zone town actually, which paints me as confused as hell as to who wolves are here

Zones recent posts arent changing my opinion either in all honesty so yeah im fairly comfy on my read on them

wiggle wiggle

this is poggers

based off of his reaction to marshal, im assuming hes groupscum in all honesty

yeah this

/vote zone q11


  1. Nutella
  2. min- Healed most likelyy on essoa
  3. Chloe- ???
    4. an_gorta_pratai - Killed N1 by Essoas vig
  4. BlueStorm- rb gorta
  5. PokemonKidRyan - Executed D1 allignment awaiting on by eli
  6. Ami Mistyx- ???
  7. clonedcheese- swapped eli and essoa
  8. DatBird- used abilty on ???
  9. Zone_Q11- doublevoter
  10. Esooa- shot Gorta N1 and now allignment oracle
  11. EliThePsycho- saw pkr as ??? and is now vigless vig
    13. Marshal - Killed N1 by factional
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me: posts why i think zone is town

nutella: :joy_cat:

cute pfp min

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aww thank u its based

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