Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory


I understand Zone pushing on people like myself/Ami/gorta yesterday with pressure votes to play the game when we weren’t on, but I really dislike him getting cloned that close to lynch

Like don’t get me wrong, my highest sus is on cloned, but that doesn’t mean I have to like L-1 happening like that

Especially if my read on cloned right now is exactly LW due to interaction with gorta

responding to this since looks like people scumread me for this (somehow)

I’ve been told in not only this game but in many games to 1) be extremely careful and 2) draw out as much information as possible and not just be like “lolopenwolf”

So there’s that

Why do you dislike it?
No, really: Why?
What would anyone gain if he was hammered?

cloned would gain his “peace” since he keeps on insisting that he is a useless VT while we have to wait until D3 before we can hear his alignment from Esooa.

Who else would benefit from cloned’s death, aside from cloned himself?

…Discussion time? Isn’t there still, like, 9 hours of the day left?

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Like even now, we don’t know what to do between Mist/Nut and basically everyone is townreading everyone outside of a select few cases

We need more heads in to do more talking before we go about our nightly business; a bunch of interesting interactions happened at EoD yesterday, what’s to say the same won’t happen today?

What’s the point of discussion time when nobody discusses until 1 hour before EOD?

Even having that 1 hour is better than not having it at all, if anyone were to have hammered after your L-1 vote

Yes, except those heads won’t talk until it’s almost EOD.

This is pretty much an invitation to “let’s wait until EOD before we do anything at all” :expressionless:

You’re twisting my words, Zone

I’m nowhere near advocating that we do that

I’m simply stating the fact that because we were given a chance to discuss until the last minute yesterday, we got some juicy interactions

If anyone hammered that L-1, then whoever that person is will become #1 suspect on D3 regardless of cloned’s alignment. The only way that can go wrong is if cloned hammered himself, and the worst case scenario is if cloned self-hammered as town, but that would be arguably gamethrowing.

I really don’t see what the point is of fearing an early hammer; it’s obvious that whoever does the deed will become the top suspect if they do it without consulting with the majority beforehand.

There are multiple people in the game that have felt powerless, or stupid, or whatever, and it could stand to reason that any of them could want to hammer just to get the day over and done with as either alignment

I think Esooa and Mist had brought those feelings to the fore before (though I could be wrong and haven’t gone back to check)

Yes, I am twisting your words, because I want to complain about the stagnant world I have to live in.
EOD is at 7 AM; I sleep at 2 AM and wake up at 10 AM; I LITERALLY CANNOT BE PRESENT AT EOD.

In other words; I am stuck living in this silent world where nobody talks until I am gone.
Do you understand why I am welcoming any activity at all!?

Ah… is that so?
Hey @Esooa, @Mistyx, give me your cases on DatBird and Bluestorm respectively or I will vote you.

Right; if that’s a concern for you, can you not simply say “hey guys, I don’t like the fact that our activity is stagnant, can we get more heads in for discussion” instead of coming dangerously close to causing an EOD on your terms and then getting up in arms about it when someone points that out?

soon tm


screams in timezones

I’m unfamiliar with you, having been away from the site for a year+; can you link games where you’ve been told this?


“hey guys, I don’t like the fact that our activity is stagnant, can we get more heads in for discussion”

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