Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

Day 2 VC

Votee Voted by Votes
clonedcheese BlueStorm, Esooa 2/6
Mistyx DatBird, min 2/6
BlueStorm Mistyx 1/6
EliThePsycho nutella 1/6
Zone_Q11 EliThePsycho 1/6
Not Voting Chloe, clonedcheese, Zone_Q11 (x2) 3(4)

was gonna post my own vc anyway since Kat’s annoyed me as it wasn’t alphabetical, nerd.

EoD is at 2021-03-31T05:00:00Z

Inform me of any mistakes.

i think i might die tonight and thats fine

i’ll just
compile a bigass post of all my strongest reads currently, a bit closer to EoD
because i know my ISO is long and nobody wants to sift through it

this is basically me asking for us to not hammer anyone until i can do so, please

this is my opinion


we should just lynch who ever has the fewest posts today and has group scum equity


personally don’t really think cheese has a tonnnn of groupscum equity but im in the minority there
eli is weh
zone is townie imo

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those people have the fewest posts today?

well and blue but

why is zone towny? I remember him making a decent amount of posts the last day. Why did he drop off?

i’ve liked his thought process wrt his doublevote
and his stream-of-consciousness posts

also his mindset behind putting cheese at L-1 earlier felt villa

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what about it was villa

felt like a real bait to selfhammer

I don’t really think Eli cases zone today if Eli is scum. Why does he do that? Do you think he does?

I am lightly conflicted though cause he’s not held up to his promise of being towny today

No i dont really think he does
I also don’t even know if he comes up with the ‘min and esooa are clogging thread on purpose’ thing as a wolf

i do mainly cause he made a promise to like chloe and if he didnt chloe would just kill him

i think thats his attempt to

has cheese done a single thing today? I remember him saying he was going to tree. Out of those 3 I want to kill

zone most


/vote zone

my qualms with eli boil down to lack of activity and follow-through

when he posts his own cases and thoughts its so much easier to find the dude
but he keeps just
dropping off the face of the planet

which sucks because i think he could be a villager!
i just
dunno what to do with him

every single “towny” thing zone has done relates to his vote power. He has given reads almost never. His view of the game has been so narrow I give him no credit for it

esooa why did you pull zone out of the groupscum batch i posted earlier ftr

he has 40 posts today

wtf happened


I don’t even remember tbh