Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

This is a fair vote as their role is like, genuinely terrifying lmao

What makes it less scary is that I feel like it will be obvious whether or not cloned is scum solely by nightactions tbh

Foleswapper is forced to play at least somewhat protown here or else its a tiny bit obvious they’re scum imo

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Foleswapper joycatters

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Roleswapper should be leashed and preferably used n1, it’s not ‘scary’ or up for debate really, if anything it’s probably one of the most boring roles

You’d be surprised :wowee:

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got monster hunter to play, if u need me ping me be back in prob an hourish


Votee Voted by Votes
Clonedcheese PokemonKidRyan 1/7

I’m not saying this because I want to bus-drive the roleswap on the vigilante onto myself so I can get killpower :flushed:

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Wine, literally.

But like I guess our views just differ? Which is cool.

I know roleswapper is incredible if town. But if scum it’s catastrophic and idk how to feel about it

(In response to Dat right below this)

I guess you’re right but like I cannot change someone’s role. Whereas cloned can deprive town of a role. Say if cloned is a wolf and becomes in a good position, they can take the best role and say they did it “To avoid wolves having control of it” while killing off another strong thing.

A quick note about mafia theory and how I will play this game. Note that the arguments and facts presented here are indisputable, and that I will not engage in arguments about them, because those arguments are you wasting everyone else’s time about meta that is well and comprehensively established. Go make reads so we can read you.

I’ve reflected on my role and realized that there is a GOAT play for me in this game, and therefore I am compelled to pursue it. I am going to brute force my clearness immediately upon the opening of the thread.

I am hard-claiming, and I will never be rescinding. I am the cop. When it becomes prudent I will provide checks.


I will survive tonight: I do not believe the wolves are able to kill me tonight, because it is so objectively unlikely that I would ever do this as the cop. I believe that this decision reduces the importance of cover to be provided by all of you to the point of it being negligible. The wolves have already been outplayed, as it were.

I’m lock clear: All of you already know I’m lock clear, because it is so objectively unlikely that I would do this as wolves. You know this for at least two reasons. First, this is the easiest, lowest-stress, lowest-demand game to play mafia in that I’ve ever played in (except for turbos). I have no need to complicate my life, as wolves, by open-claiming on thread open, when all I have to do is provide a C-level wolves game to probably win. This is the rare instance where you literally know that I have a billion other options as wolves, AND that I would pursue probably ALL of them before pursuing this. Second, I engage in FPS exceedingly rarely, which necessarily means that I know that this will look WEIRD and SHOCKING to you. There is no merit to an wolves play that instantly generates WEIRD and SHOCKED responses that I would be obligated to finesse and manage for the remainder of the game. As a villager, which I am, the burden is totally on you to not screw up and lynch me. Makes my life super awesome.

There are only 11 players you need to try to read, rather than 12: I have already provided a “free” peek of me in a game with a mere 13 players. Our win equity is dramatically improved by my being entirely off the table for the entire game.


The burden of sound reasoning is now entirely upon you. I am the cop, and thus a villager, and thus lock clear. The game is immediately simpler than it would otherwise have been, because of my decision. Now, let us enjoy that benefit and win the game.

Also, to preempt a lengthy and pointless discussion.

It is NOT dumb to ponder this post and convince yourself of its wisdom. That is your obligation as a villager, and I encourage you to think it over for as long as it takes to quell your (initially valid but ultimately unnecessary) concerns.

It IS dumb to, AFTER doing that pondering, conclude that I’m “neutral” or “scummy”. That is legitimately stupid, and I won’t entertain it. ONE of the reasons it is a stupid conclusion is that the upside of this play as wolves is absolutely DWARFED by the upside of this play as a villager. There is no equivalency between the EV gain for wolves-me in this position and villager-me in this position. They’re universes apart. That means I wouldn’t DO the poorer option of the two (by extension, wolves-me also wouldn’t BELIEVE that I could convince the entire game of the truth of these assertions for the entire game, which as an end-game wolves I would have to believe if this strategem were to be worth pursuing). A SECOND reason that conclusion is stupid is that the EV bonus of doing this as wolves is COMPLETELY DWARFED by my baseline mafia EV anyway. Anything that complicates my mafia life is RIDICULOUSLY stupid for me to do, given that my mafia life is ALREADY one of the smoothest, highest expectation mafiaing lives in mafia history anyway. A THIRD reason that conclusion is stupid is that you would probably have to worry about being EXPLOITED by this gambit in order to get there. However, I have NEVER engaged in this, or any similar, gambit in my entire career, meaning that if there IS exploitation to be had with this play, it is in FUTURE GAMES, not this game. For these reasons, pressuring me is extremely scummy and should not be engaged in by any villager, ever, in this game. There will be no less productive pursuit than that in this game.

Sucks for the wolves when meta is wielded this brutally, but my allegiance is plain and my strategy perfect. Get #rekt.

I found one with JoaT so if i made any mistakes sorry


that’s literally openwolfing nobody will let him get away with questionable swaps

we can talk about this later

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Also I’m stuck on mobile for like 2 days so go easy on me pls. I’m 100% going to miss replying to things while typing because otherwise I’d never end up posting.

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I get the mobile struggle

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Laptop charger decided to just snap while it was plugged in.
So I’ve bought a new one on Amazon

Sadly it arrives on Monday

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I’ll be back laters





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I am conflicted. On one hand, I am happy to have double votes. On the other hand, I can’t actively do anything with this.

…welp, let’s see what RNGesus wants.
*rolls dice, lands on 6*

/vote PokemonKidRyan

Is my role actually that powerful
I was thinking that I wouldn’t be using this at all

generally yes, it’s a pretty good role

I wouldn’t say it’s ‘super powerful’ but it’s a very bad role to policy d1 for existing when it’s only action is public and leashable

i promise to be public and leashable ._.

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