Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

Look, this is me we’re talking about.
I say this at least once in most games…

But the amount of times I’m misread is really annoying. But I’m also used to it.

And I know that complaining about it seems wolfy which is just amazing. Just spiral the problems

You dont think pkr is wolfy in your opinion?


Why are we suddenly ganging up on PKR!? Not even I am evil enough to outright speedrun him!

Min is TMI’ing pkr town already

was just having this same thought samebrain

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(I am a lost wolf signaling to PKR to selfhammer because disorganized n1 actions with 0 discussion really helps us and I do know you’re wolf and I doubt you ever escape d1/d2 and your role is limited in capability n1 so this is the best course of action)

No. I don’t think Min is wolf trying to pocket me and is using TMI.
Just someone who actually reads me right?

I mean uh


I dont really townread anyone based off of content yet but I havent seen anything that’s stuck out to me as “hey this is kinda sus (amogus)”

He just…looks like pkr

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ah shit here we go again


“pkr isnt wolfy” doesnr equal “pkr is town” :joy_cat:

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Well, I don’t exactly have a townread on you, but the fact that you were suddenly upped from L-5 to L-3 within a span of 1 minute is definitely fishy.

The same applies for Marl, who joined the wagon out of nowhere.

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Marl is the host


If Min, me and Zone vote me…
I can already be hammered out of the game.

Though I know it’s gamethrowing and I wouldn’t do that even if it would be classic with memes. (I do not encourage or condone GT’ing even when it seems interesting)

Wait. If Marl is host, then who…
*scrolls up*
Oh. It was Marshal.
…eh, close enough.

/vote Chloe


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Now we’re podracing

be back later


What does this mean again

we’re podracing