Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory

Say, what do you plan to do with this VC anyway?

I was mainly asking as i thought we were closer to majority. As i saw like 3ish votes. Wanted to see how close

Nah. What you saw was Esooa’s vote, followed by 2 votes from Mist because she forgot she already voted gorta.

Though, what do you plan to do if he was -let’s say- on L-3 anyway?

/vote gorta

Idk maybe join it, maybe not. Was kinda worried we were nightposting

sorry had to go to dinner

feeling as in…?

Idk just general mood. Anxious, over confidant, worried. Trying to get ur mindset ya know

if those didn’t exist i’d probably feel
idk tho

in what


Ok so what would i dont know motivate you. Cause atm you are very much poe. And if u are not evil i want to like find that, and to do that. Imma need the best u i can get. So lets get u invested. Idk anyone u want to give opinions on

not being the role that I am
it puts a metric crap ton of pressure on me and I don’t like it tbh
it’s not like (form my PoV) it’s optimal to swap my role because there’s a chance that the other person is wolf
so it’s not really something i want to change

well, want as in gamestate
i totally don’t want to be it emotionally

Hm… :thinking:
Okay. :neutral_face:

so if u had a say, who if anyone would u want it to go too. Who do u trust this game with it

chleb off the top of my head

Thats a start. Earlier u said u had some consensus reads. Anyone outside of them that u either want to look into or have and have a take on

i want people to look into min and esooa tbh

why me lol