Golden Wind Smalltown - Town Victory


I need to find my braincells, I used to be better at mafia than this, I think

Like, Dat can attest that I wasn’t this crap a few years ago


i mean

the instance that i didnt like was something i saw you do and not something i saw chloe do at all

i also take issue with it because you had already indicated that you thought chloe should be townreading you because you two had mindmelded


idk what you’re basing my scum range on either though

I’ve only wolfed against you in the meme zelda mash

Vc is L-2 right?

can you point to where

I’ll vote whenever I dont wanna hammer for obvious reasons tho

btw no one else pointed this out but gorta temporarily started typing so he was in thread like 5 minutes ago

hi im back with a slightly lower temperature
when EoD
what VC
and what recommendations for my action tonight

gamer move is for w!gorta to shoot his buddy so we solve around the two of them being v/w

hope and pray the LW gets the dub


tbh yeah i prob haven’t really read your best scumgames

the hell is going on

didnt point it out bc its a little bleh

feels shitty

when I wolf against you I’m gonna meta tryhard to show you then nutella :stuck_out_tongue:

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oh no

maybe but whatever

that’s how it is

literally not mindmelds and i never implied they were

was just giving consideration to her thoughts

Who have you picked to yoink along with you