Grand Idea - Dead Chat

If he’s Soulcatcher he can.

Isaac is DEF not BD

I think it would be the same as mine where it be a waste but sure he can go for it

Your ability would allow me back in the game, no?

So Sulit u converting me tonight or what

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I am not Unseeeen

If I was cultz and I fake claimed tbbd and put that much thought into it

Then I wouldn’t claim cult


Like man idk, his slot is an enigma because it’s almost like no ones playing it atm

Tbh if I was cult I’d just kill you because you’re annoying

Every Isaac slot is like they aren’t playing

Luv you


Oof. Sulit do u understand why I dont trust u right

You can’t use my voice right Sulit?

All I’m saying is if you’re Spulcatcher, check with mods and see if you can use my voice. Ill vouch for you in day chat.

Down with town!

Yes the fool will vouch, good plan. Do this Sulit

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I can’t?

Because I’m not soulcatcher and that’d be idiotic?

I can discredit my Fool flip :stuck_out_tongue:

So ur still a neutral TBBD


hasn’t changed

Bruh no u cant