Grand Idea - Dead Chat


THIS monstrosity actually made it into the game??!?

I don’t know whether I should be impressed or scared xD

Rip being able to sub in :upside_down_face:

You’re a co-host now, scrub.

That’s not true. Only applies to FoL, because it’s our flagship game.

Lurker mode on as I shouldn’t influence dead chat


i mean constitution just sounds like anti bleed maybe

potential reason why merc forgot about pkr kill idk

What do you mean exactyl?

fuckin kek
ez win ez life



How could you

lol good job PKR u tried

Hi kai how are you

feelin pretty good
just got that EZ w from one fuckin meme

also yea if it isn’t obvious i was fool keep that shush shush i wanna see them freak out

That sounds nice

I’m pretty tired rn just got off work

fuckin normies
gave me the win

Hi dat how are you doing

good finishing up work while watching SGDQ

Hello, I see you got some info about my class?