Grand Idea - Dead Chat

@Possessed you were right. My push on you was super scummy on purpose lmao

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sure as long as I dont die or live til next day

Didn’t you guys talked about my class earlier? What about it?

also pretend the 4chan is still alive lol. I want to fuck with them from beyond the grave

god i love being able to shitpost and it not being gamethrowing

uh yeah, we did but i kinda forget what it was about. Well i have 24 hours to remind myself


I wish I could shitpost id probably get yelled at more

must survive

what happens when neutral take over the tiny bd faction

is it just one for all

to think 2 fools in one game

I out-scummied you though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

What cha mean

good job on that lol

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I think someone theorized that I am the convert instead?

also I didn’t fuckin expect alice to town read me for that

like seriously, that was the most scummy shit i’ve ever done

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thank god i didnt vote ya this time

Which fool @Ami?

other than deadass openwolfing

it was pretty much your fool lol

Am I still redirecting u

The fool himself or one who follows the fool?