Grand Idea - Dead Chat

Well you’re dead now Dat, RIP buddy.

Well yeah… kinda

You ever watch Dragonball Z

They weren’t different alignments. They both said unknown.

I picked 2 passives, 2 day abilites, 2 night abilites for my class.

Was the classes I linked what u received?

Just put it in your logs, Dat.

This dead chat is about to get a whole lot quieter lmao

Oh yeah totally. But dont worry u ever watch Dragonball or Dragonball Z

Yes but 1076 was differently explained and Soulcatcher said unkown instead of unseen.

Yeah sorry m8

I love DBZ and Dragonball

Team Vegeta

I’m not an idiot. I wouldn’t claim something that literally said unseen in my PM.

If you are somehow not scum, Sulit…give us a rundown of the abilities you picked and make sure Dat lives tonight.

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Well I’m either King Piccolo making Piccolo or Ginyu Bodychanging tonight whatever is the better analogy, my tag partner will take on over for me in my absence. Good luck Piccolo

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Fusion earring for the win

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Pocket Dimension (Day) - If you die tonight, delay it for 2 nights. This will delay bleeding in addition to attacks. Deaths delayed this way cannot be redirected with Distort Reality. - 2 uses
Change Sheets (Day) - Target two corpses. At the end of the night, learn if they were killed by the same player. - 2 uses

Call of The Dead (Passive) - You can talk to the dead at night.
Dutiful (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.

Ice Ward (Night) - Prevent anyone else from visiting your target. - 2 uses
Serve Wine (Night) - Occupy a player by getting them drunk. - Infinite uses

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So Possessed Moon Logic theory here…
Remembering Sulits day one. So he kept saying he was determined everyone was neutral even though he received two non neutral cards that were labeled unknown. Is there a card that if rolled first that would make this kind of affect

That was copy and pasted, I swaped Ice Ward with occupy butler thing

What’s your wincon?

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Ugh I’m too lazy to.go searching for it