Grand Idea - Dead Chat

The whole situation happening you mean?

yeah like which side or who dou think is gonna win, whos gonna die tonight, just speculation. Its interesting to think about

I have no love for the two-headed horse being the lead on getting neutrals lynched when he could just join and survive with BD.

Point taken, I am their biggest threat when left unchecked but that doesnā€™t excuse BlueStorm on using at a merc claim who isnā€™t NK!

I stated the wincon is very NK-like.

oh it is, and as long as it stays neutral focused it should be fine for me at least

But that doesnā€™t mean I kill those who can be converted, in fact I wouldnā€™t know if Boss110 is converted unless someone voted him.

Thatā€™s as far I have no means to kill someone. All Blue has to do is confirm him mechanically so why let HIM off the hook instead of me?

How would u know if he is voted?

I mean if he is voted as my ā€˜contractā€™, the option to kill the voter is open. It cannot be attacked otherwise.

does this work post mortem, because i could make some shenanigans with that, and gte a scumread like Alice to do that

Unless you use my ability to protect from attack or conversion, but doing so making a new mercception, it might work.

BD might be a disease and other scum factions are no better.

Besides Priests canā€™t use killer abilities for a reason.

As long it has direct means to attack I mean.

But even an mercception can be converted I guess?

So right now, just thinking outloud
We have left in game
BD: Me, Most Likely Marg, Most Likely Math, Most Likely Astand, maybe Isaac, maybe Luxy, maybe Boss, maybe Alice,
Scum: Any of the Maybes and Most Likelys above
Neuts: Sulit, Gamer, Fires, Blue, Simon, Blizer
EK: Jake

I feel confident in Math, Marg, and I being BD at this point. Astand is iffy because the Maximus thing, but other than that they been fine. If Isaac guards tonight he is scum (since we cant confirm a guard unless he gets a kill off it whch he hasnt so far, Hjasik is prob scum because honestly they havent done squat and seem disinterested. Boss is in a weird spot cause they might be merception, but not sure they need to step up or get PoEd. Alice and Luxy are good players an I have a hard time, to determine them, Kinda honestly always put them in scum til they are cleared

The latter is indeed the right step to do, Alice is one of the unpredictable ones until she pins on you for the reason that doesnā€™t exist - letā€™s say she debunks your theory and come up with her own.

(not to mention luxy when he is 1st class betrayer)

There is also this Snuzzles group I am interested, what are they and what is their purpose?

If they are neutral, why are they not trying to get BlueStorm killed?

@Ami hey what was ur class card number again?

Yeah Blizer needs to get rid of them if he wants any chance of his group winning.

I feel like they are lying to our faces with that.

So whatever you going to do with them, this better be done quickly or you find your reads have alternative solution.

I mean, at least Two-head Horse can just survive without killing them all.

do u remember Blizers win con?

But in doing so, itā€™s diverting the attention of lynching actual scum