Grand Idea - Dead Chat

Cool alright

I’m prepping a big 29 man game that will prob not fill, but imma try


Where do I find the hosting thread oof

Found it nvm

I think you need a mod co-host but you can host I believe

Well I still got it

I’m pretty sure that’s true, oof. How many times I have offered to cohost

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Imma go work on mine since I keep putting it off. Hope ya like Anime Italian Gangsters with Spiritual Manifestations that fight for them


Sup, totally awake


Just FYI, this twas a joke hence the /s. Dont take that serious. Couldnt tell if Possessed picked that up or not just making sure


Noted I guess

You wanted me to rb maxi righ

So Sulit, are we any close to understanding why your a neut yet? and yes rb maxi its beneficial to both of us

Ummmwell I don’t completely understand myself why I’m neutral but


At this point with Astands claim Im legitmately thinking something outside of Ashes Grande Idea thread is affecting why you are neut. That or your the random class, but you seem against that, so Im feeling the former

Astands claim might have been a reaction fish I don’t think that’s how time travel works

Let me find the post

Be a lot cooler if it wasn’t. :cowboy_hat_face:


Wait is frost BP?

