Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Inquisitor v2

Neutral Special
Dragonskin Cloak (Passive): Immune to all abilities of magic users and immune to death twice. This cannot be bypassed except by another dragon ability as dragons are the only thing powerful enough to kill another dragon. Additionally, all of your visits will be hidden.
Overwhelmed (Passive): If 3(+1 for every 5 people over 16) or more people try to visit you, then all visits will be prevented and you will not take any action due to preventing them this night. This cannot be bypassed.
Yer a wizard (Day): Check to see if someone is a Wizard or has “Wizard” in their name. [Infinite]
Paralyzing Powder (Day): Prevent 2 people from taking action tonight because they are paralyzed. Bypasses everything. [2 Uses]
Efficient Ruthlessness (Night): Kill someone. If they are not a magic user, this gets put on a 1 night cooldown. This bypasses night immunity. You cannot be redirected when using this, even by things that normally bypass it. This ability is disabled once you have accomplished your objective. [Infinite]
The Spanish Inquisition Is Not Expected (Night): Watch over a target. If a magic user visits them, you will attack them and prevent the visit, bypassing immunity. You cannot be occupied while using this, even by things that normally bypass it. [3 Uses]

Your objective is to kill all Court Wizards and variations of them.



Post 223

Count Wizard

Named Reaper that thinks they are Court Wizard and has the BD wincon.

Post 224


Named alchemist with the passive below:

Passive: Cloak - So long as you are alive classes who have the same name as a different class in this thread will see themselves as the first post with that name (lowest post number). They will not be part of any scum chat if they were supposed to be. When you die they will be told their real class and join their scum chat if the were supposed to be in one. This passive affects you too.

Post 225
Court Wizard but the target of your magic barrier is converted into the main evil faction ignoring the cap.


Post 226


Named fool with the passive below instead of poor fellow:

Passive: Cloak - So long as you are alive classes who have the same name as a different class in this thread (not counting identical classes or classes that already appear identical to whoever rolls them) will see themselves as the first post with that name (lowest post number). They will not be part of any scum chat if they were supposed to be. When you die they will be told their real class and join their scum chat if the were supposed to be in one. This passive affects you too.

Post 227


Named masochist with the passive below:

Passive: Cloak - So long as you are alive classes who have the same name as a different class in this thread (not counting identical classes or classes that already appear identical to whoever rolls them) will see themselves as the first post with that name (lowest post number). They will not be part of any scum chat if they were supposed to be. When you die they will be told their real class and join their scum chat if the were supposed to be in one. This passive affects you too.

Post 228


Named Reaper with the passive below:

Passive: Cloak - So long as you are alive classes who have the same name as a different class in this thread (not counting identical classes or classes that already appear identical to whoever rolls them) will see themselves as the first post with that name (lowest post number). They will not be part of any scum chat if they were supposed to be. When you die they will be told their real class and join their scum chat if the were supposed to be in one. This passive affects you too.

Post 229


Named BD citizen with the passive below:

Passive: Cloak - So long as you are alive classes who have the same name as a different class in this thread (not counting identical classes or classes that already appear identical to whoever rolls them) will see themselves as the first post with that name (lowest post number). They will not be part of any scum chat if they were supposed to be. When you die they will be told their real class and join their scum chat if the were supposed to be in one. This passive affects you too.

Post 230


Named guiltless Knight with the passive below:

Passive: Cloak - So long as you are alive classes who have the same name as a different class in this thread (not counting identical classes or classes that already appear identical to whoever rolls them) will see themselves as the first post with that name (lowest post number). They will not be part of any scum chat if they were supposed to be. When you die they will be told their real class and join their scum chat if the were supposed to be in one. This passive affects you too.

Post 231

Leap of faith

Renamed post 250

post 232

The Massturbator :shield:

Neutral Support
Fixing the Game (Passive) - You are occupy immune, redirect and death immune
Modbias (Day) - You will bypass every form of protection with your night abilities tonight. - 2 uses
No Massclaim (Night) - Kill target player if they have claimed in the thread - Infinite uses
Thot Remover (Night) - Kill all players who claimed the previous day - 2 uses - 1 night cooldown.
Make sure all players who have started/joined in on a massclaim die

post 233

Shrek 5 :shield:

Unseen Special
What are ye doing in my swamp? (Passive) - Immune to occupation, redirection and attacks at night. Additionally you will appear as Blue Dragon for the first 3 nights.
Swamp Rights - If you die before Day 4, the oldest Unseen member will become Shrek 5
Farquad’s Work - Become the class of the oldest starting Unseen Killer if there are no other living Unseen members - Infinite uses
Layers of Ogre - Convert target player to the Unseen. - Infinite uses
Forehead - If targeted player is convertable, recieve feedback depending on what classtype they will become upon conversion. - 4 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, and any other scumfactions or neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Convert Success: Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.
Convert Fail: I aint the sharpest tool in the shed
Killer Forehead: She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
Offensive Forehead: In the shape of an “L” on her forehead
Social Forehead: Well the years start coming and they don’t stop coming
Support Forehead: Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
use Dirty Work: Didn’t make sense not to live for fun
Investigative Forehead: Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb
Occupy attempt: So much to do so much to see
Redirect attempt: So much wrong with taking the backstreet
Attacked but immune: You’ll never know if you dont go, you’ll never shine if you don’t glow.
For investigators that find you as Unseen: Hey now, you’re an all star
Special Forehead: Get your game on, go play.
Immune forehead: My world’s on fire, how about yours?


post 234

Fucking Marl :shield:

Blue Dragon Killer
Mislynch Master (Passive) - You are immune to all forms of occupation and redirection if a Blue Dragon was executed in the day.
King of the Sheep (Passive) - You must attempt to lead the town every day or you will be modkilled
Imprison me like one of your French Girls (Day) - Imprison targeted player in your French Girl Prison - Infinite uses
Banhammer (Night) - Ban target player from the game, killing them, bypassing night immunity. If target player is Pug or an actual French Girl, you will kill them bypassing everything. You will only lose moderator powers if your target does not bypass immunity and is Blue Dragon - 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat all scumfactions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm

Convert Immune



Possessor but possess makes you die and whoever you targeted becomes the new possessor no matter what there old class is. Their wincon changes to the possessor wincon


Who needs trials anyway?
If this is rolled there will be no trials and if a person receives the amount of votes needed for trial they would be executed right away. Reroll this slot


Evil Prince :shield:

Neutral Killing (Only his class type is Killing, he is not the actual NK)
Royal Blood (Passive) - You may put your name forward to become the next King. If you step up you will become an Evil King.
Tenacity (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Jail (Day) - Jail a player tonight. Unlimited uses.
Self Jail (Day) - Lock yourself in jail tonight, preventing everyone from visiting you. 3 uses.
Execute (Night) - Execute the jailed target. If they are not BD you will lose all your executes. 3 uses.
Survive to see the BD lose.


@Pug is a genius!
If this is rolled everyone gets the passive retribution. Reroll this slot.



The Banana Peel
Slippery (Passive) - Anyone that visits you must say something tomorrow that makes it look like they scumslipped. If they don’t or if they mention something about the banana peel or this post restriction they will be modkilled.


The Mislynch :crossed_swords:

Blue Dragon Social

A Gift to the Chosen (Passive) - Only Sam17z, MtheJoker, Memesky, Insanity, or Pug may receive this class.
Bait (Passive) - If you are executed on trial, the day will continue, and the lynch will not count towards the trial limit per day.
Scum Behavior (Day) - Act scummy. If a member of the BD uses a day ability on you today, the use of their ability will be refreshed. They will not know about this until you die. (2 uses)
Scummy Scumreads (Night) - Speak with any player of your choice throughout the night and try to convince them your scumreads are correct. You may label up to two players as “scum”. If either of them gets executed on trial the following day, and is not Blue Dragon, you may become any BD class from this thread if you survive the night.

I know this was in the old thread too but Pug was added - that warrants a repeat