The Karma
Neutral Killer
Karmic Justice (Passive) - Your abilities may only target players who have targeted or voted the last player of your choice during the current or previous phase. The default ‘Chosen’ is you.
No Forgiveness (Passive) - Night immune, occupation immune, redirection immune.
Make Your Choice (Day) - Choose a player. They become your Chosen. Only usable once per day.
Too Far Gone (Day) - Kill a player. If they targeted your Chosen at any point during the game, it will be publically revealed when, and with which ability. If they did so multiple times, each of those times will be revealed. (2 uses)
Payback (Night) - Attack a player.
Justified Kill (Night) - Attack a player, bypassing their immunities. If you are investigated tonight, you will appear to be a BD-Aligned Vigilante. (2 uses)
Goal: Deliver karmic justice to at least 5 players by killing them.
Note: Karmic Justice’s ‘current or previous phase’ means that, for example, on Day 2, you will only be able to use your abilities on players who have targeted or voted your Chosen on Night 1 and Day 2, not on Day 1 and Night 1.