Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

Reroll this slot.

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Classes can NOT prevent others from appearing in a game by being rolled.

Named citizen

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The Paladin

@Pug you forgot to number your post

Post 264
It was a reply tho.
Named citizen bd

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The Guiltless Knight

But that way it’s more even


Stop correcting me Livicus
Named Scorned that always has Livicus as a target.

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The Janitor in a no 4channer game


Named Scorned who always has Memesky and Marl as a target. If one is not in the game, randomly select that slot


Marx :shield:

Neutral Killer
Nova’s Wish (Passive) - You are immune to dayvigs and death at night. Additionally, you cannot be occupied or redirected. Even by means that would bypass this.
Fountain’s Senses (Passive) - You will know when you would’ve been occupied or redirected.
Black Hole (Day) - All visitors to the player you visit tonight will die. - 2 uses
Radiant Flight (Day) - Prevent all players from visiting you.
Time Bomb (Night) - Targeted player will die tomorrow night, bypassing death immunity. If a Knight was guarding targeted player, you die tomorrow or a protective ability is used on the target, the bomb will defuse.
Your objective is to kill all main factions and any Neutrals that may get in your way.


The First Mate :shield:

Green Kraken Offensive
Get Out (Passive) - Cannot be occupied or redirected in any way, shape or form. Including means which usually bypass this.
Leader Characteristics (Passive) - Upon voting a new King, your votes will privately count as two.
Punishment (Day) - Punish targeted player to scrub the deck. You and them may send eachother two different 1000 character messages, visits to them will be prevented and they will be prevented from doing any actions.
Shark’s Curse (Night) - Force punished player to target a specific player tomorrow night, bypassing redirection immunity. - 3 uses
Shark’s Gift (Night) - Punished player will be allowed to use their abilities tonight. - 1 use
Your objective is to Eliminate any scumfactions and any Neutrals who stand against you

Convert Immune


The Deck Hand

Green Kraken Support
Wall Off (Day) - The targeted player will not be able to be visited tonight. - 2 uses - Self targetable
Loose Plank (Night) - If there is a player attempting to convert, occupy, redirect, frame, warp targeted player, etc they will be occupied bypassing occupy immunity. - Infinite uses
Quality Materials (Night) - Make sure the player’s night ability will work as intended no matter what. This will have no affect on Special or Killing classes. This will not make players bypass immunities on their target. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to eliminate any scumfactions and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Engineer or The Ritualist
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
(Quality Materials) Timber of Corax - Make sure the targeted player’s night ability will work no matter what. (Does not bypass convert immunity for Cult Leader) - 1 use

The Engineer

Unseen Offensive
Wall Off (Day) - Only Unseen members will have the ability to visit targeted player tonight - 2 uses
Flimsy Tools (Night) - Targeted player will unknowingly occupy player they targeted if their targeted player is not Unseen. If they are already occupying a player. They will occupy another random player - Infinite uses
Jumpscare (Night) - Anybody visiting targeted player will be redirected to the other targeted player - 4 uses
Launch Trap (Plunder) - Anybody visiting target player will be redirected to one of the two adjacent players on the list.
Your objective is to defeat Blue Dragon and anyone else that opposes you


The Sailor

Green Kraken Investigative
Sonar System (Day) - Choose what you are going to find using Green Flare/Bright Flare tonight. Killer/Offensive, Support/Social, Investigative/Special or Neutral/Unseen/Cult/Any Other Scumfaction. By default this ability will start on Killer/Offensive. - Infinite uses
Green Flare (Night) - Find out if targeted player fits the criteria of your Sonar System ability. - Infinite uses
Bright Flare (Night) - If targeted player fits the criteria, find out what specific part of it they match. - 2 uses
Your objective is to eliminate any scumfactions and any Neutrals who stand against you

Converts into The Buccaneer or The Seeker
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1

The Buccaneer

Unseen Investigative
Sonar System (Day) - Choose what you are going to find using Purple Flare/Shadelight Flare tonight. Killer/Offensive, Support/Social, Investigative/Special. By default this ability will start on Killer/Offensive.
Purple Flare (Night) - Find out what classtype target player is if they match your Sonar System Criteria. - Infinite uses
Shadelight Flare (Night) - If targeted player fits the criteria, find out their exact class. Additionally, this will frame the target as a member of the Unseen to Investigators. - 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and anyone else that opposes you


The Gunslinger :shield:

Green Kraken Killer
A Pirate’s Life (Passive) - Immune to redirection but not occupation. Every three nights, you will gain a usage of Barrel Explosion
Only At My Best (Passive) - After a successful use of Aboard the Mary Jane, you may not use night abilities until you are healed.
Barrel Explosion (Day) - Kill a target player amidst the chaos of the current execution. You will lose the passive, A Pirate’s Life if you kill a Green Kraken with this ability. - 0 Uses
Aboard the Mary Jane (Night) - Protect a target player. If a member of a scumfaction tries to visit the target, you will kill them. Does not bypass immunity. If you successfully attack a player (even if immune) you will be bled sometime the next day and die in two nights unless you are healed. - 3 Uses
Blight of Insanity (Night) - Protect a target player. If a Neutral Killer tries to visit the target, the host will reveal who they are at the start of the second next day phase. You will die if the Neutral Killer visits your target. Your target will also die if they are a member of a scumfaction. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat any scumfactions and any Neutrals that oppose you

Converts into The Outlaw or The Invoker
Cult Points: 2 - Each ability costs: 1
(A Pirate’s Life) A Cultist’s Life - Every three nights, you will gain a usage of Voodoo Doll
(Barrel Explosion) Voodoo Doll - Prevent the current lynch from occurring. You will kill a target player amidst the chaos. - 0 Uses
(Aboard the Mary Jane) Aboard the Mithras Jane - Protect a target player. If a Blue Dragon, Green Kraken or any other good faction tries to visit the target, you will kill them. Does not bypass immunity. - 1 use
(Blight of Insanity) Blight of Mithras - Protect a target player. If the Neutral Killer tries to visit the target, the host will reveal who they are at the start of the second next day phase. You will die. Your target will also die if they are a member of any good faction. - 2 uses

The Outlaw :shield:

Unseen Killer
A Pirate’s Life (Passive) - Immune to redirection but not occupation. Every three nights, you will gain a usage of Barrel Explosion.
Barrel Explosion (Day) - Prevent the current lynch from occurring. You will kill a target player amidst the chaos. - Uses before convert
Spinning Wheel (Night) - An exact class that is in the current game will show to you. (Cannot be a guaranteed class or a class that has already been shown to you) - Infinite uses
Hostage (Night) - Target a player, they will be occupied and the Unseen will be told the target’s exact class - 2 use
Wild Shotgun (Plunder) - Pick a class from the class list, you will find everyone who is that specific class.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and anyone else that opposes you


The Englishman

Country Offensive
Polite (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Tea, Old Chap? (Day) - Prevent your target from using day abilities today. Infinite Uses.
Days of Yore (Night) - All day abilities that target you tomorrow will have no effect. 2 uses.
Excalibur (Night) - Kill a player. If they are a member of the Country faction, you will commit suicide. 1 use.
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult and any Neutrals that oppose you

Converts into:

The Aichmomaniac

Country Offensive
Impolite (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Intimitade the Bloke (Day) - Prevent your target from using day abilities today. Infinite Uses.
Jail Cell (Night) - All day abilities that target you tomorrow will have no effect. 2 uses.
Stabbed (Night) - Sacrifice yourself to kill a player. 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that oppose you.

The Kittynant :shield:

Neutral Killer
Spectral Cats (Passive) - If @Damafaud is in the game, this is the only class he can roll. After this class is rolled, replace all of it’s abilities with the Revenant’s, but keep the name Kittynant.


The Gunslinger :shield:

Neutral Killer
Wild West (Passive) - Immune to Death, Occupation and target changing.
Quick Draw (Day) - Tonight, you may target two players with Trigger Finger. You may choose to target the same player twice, if you do Trigger Finger will bypass night immunity, visit prevention and healing. - Unlimited uses, 1 day cooldown.
Trigger Finger (Night) - Kill a player. - Unlimited uses.
Bullet Hell (Night) - Kill anyone who visits you tonight. - 2 uses.
You must kill the Blue Dragon, Cult, Unseen and anyone who might stand in your way.



The Death Gambler :shield:

Neutral Social
Deathly Hallows (Passive) - Immune to Occupation and Target Changing. If attacked, grant attacker/executor a one-shot death immunity that notifies them if there is a trigger.
Grudge (Passive) - You can have up to 3 players marked. You can use both day abilities at once.
Predict Death (Day) - Predict who gets killed tonight. If you are right, gain one use of Gambling. - ∞ uses
Mark of Faith (Day) - Mark a player. You will only have 3 days to use this. - 3 uses
Predict Lynch (Night) - Predict who gets lynched tomorrow. If you are right, gain one use of Gambling. - ∞ uses
Heal Toss (Night) - Heal target player and yourself for the night. - 1 use(s).

You must ensure at least one of your marked targets live to the end of the game (They don’t have to win.).


The Definition

Neutral Social
Of Insanity (Passive) - If you didn’t say the name of this passive and your class at Day 1, you will commit suicide.
Is (Passive) - If you didn’t say the name of this passive along after using “Insanity Is” at Day 2, you will commit suicide.
Insanity Is (Day) - Announce the message: “Insanity Is” to court. - 1 Use (Only Usable Day 2)
Doing same (Day) - Announce the message: :Doing same” to court. - 1 Use (Only Usable Day 3)
thing (Night) - Tommorow you may announce the message “thing”, if you used “Doing same” at same day… - 1 Use (Only usable Night 2)
Over and Over Again (Night) - Tommorrow announce a message to court “Over and Over Again”. - 1 Use (Only Usable Night 3)

Say the definition of Insanity to entire court.

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Effortless Mastermind

Unseen Special
Can’t Touch this (Passive) - Immune to occupation, target changing and death at night. Players who attempt to occupy you or change your target will believe it succeeded. Additionally, you will know who you would’ve been redirected to if a player attempts to change your target.
On the shadows (Passive) - Does not appear as Unseen to all Investigative abilities for the first 3 nights.
Princess Claim (Passive) - You can only claim Princess or any of her Grand Idea variations.
Convert (Passive) - At the end of the night convert a random convertible player into the unseen. This cannot happen if someone was converted the previous night or if you are already at the Unseen cap.
Whatever the MM’s checking ability is called (Passive) - At the end of the night, you will know the class type of a random player.



Effortless Assassin

Unseen Special
Knight Claim (Passive) - You can only claim knight or any of its Grand Idea variations.
Nightshade (Passive) - At a random time during the day, a random non-unseen player will become poisoned. This has a 50% chance of happening every day except D1.
Distract or Bewilder I dont remember (Passive) - You have a 35% chance of randomly using whatever the assassin has in FoL instead of distract at a random time each day.
Stab (Passive) - You will attack a random player every night. There is a 20% chance that you will attack 2 players instead.