Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version



“I play to win!”
You are D.Va, the Unseen Supportive Suicide Bomber !
Fusion Cannons (Passive) - For every night kill you perform or Town, Green Kraken or Blue Dragon-aligned player you hammer, you gain an additional use of one of your abilities.
Micro Missiles (Day) - Removes all beneficial effects a player will receive today and tonight. - One use.
Self Destruct (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may say “Nerf this!” and choose to strongman kill up to a third, rounded down, of the players on your wagon. Using this will also cause you to die.
Defense Matrix (Night) - Grants you and an additional Unseen member immunity to night kills and the other member will be immune to day kills the coming day as well. - 2 uses.
Boosters (Night) - The performer of tonight’s factional kill will bypass all forms of protection. - One use.



Only through conflict do we evolve.
You are the Blue Dragon Miller JOAT !
Hand Cannon (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member then you can choose a player to become immune to death for the coming night and you will be seen as Blue Dragon to faction checks as well.
The Best Defense… (Passive) - You will be seen as a Cult Member to faction checks. When Meteor Strike is active you will also heal yourself at night.
Rising Uppercut (Day) - Kills a player in broad daylight if they were occupied last night. The occupation requirement is gone if you used Meteor Strike. - One use.
Meteor Strike (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you can say “Meteor Strike!” and all of your abilities will gain an extra effect for the cycle and you will gain an extra charge of all of your abilities.
Seismic Slam (Night) - Prevents all players from visiting your target and occupies them. When Meteor Strike is activated you will also kill any Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan Member attempting to visit them. - 2 uses.
Rocket Punch (Night) - You will learn if your target is aligned with the Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan. When Meteor Strike is activated you will also redirect all visits from you to your target. - 2 uses.

If this slot rolls, all BD aligned investigatives will be replaced by fools.

The Fool



Delthea :shield: :fire:

Unseen Social

Mental Link (Passive) - All players stunned by you will be added to your private neighborhood. You will be able to talk at night. Your neighborhood will not change if you are converted or your class is changed.

Dissipation (Passive) - When you die, your neighborhood will be dissolved.

Hypnotize (Day) - Stun a player, bringing them under your control at the start of tonight. - oo uses

Ragnarok (Night) - Remove a player from your control at the end of the night. All Day Attacks targeting them will be 20% more accurate tomorrow. - 4 uses

Mind Warp (Night) - Make any player gain incorrect feedback from their abilities tonight. - 3 uses



“Science will reveal the truth.”
You are Moira, the Unseen Charge Drainer !
Competitive (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. However, you can never be made immune to conversion.
Fade (Night) - Selects up to two Unseen members and all visits will be prevented on them. - 1 use.
Parry (Night) - If your target visits you, remove their immunities and redirect them to themselves. (Infinite uses)

Defeat the Blue Dragon, Green Kraken, other scum factions and Cult, and any Neutrals that seek to do you harm.

I just erase all abilties related to charges.
This is what remains.

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“I will prove myself!”
You are the Blue Dragon Bulletproof Charging Jailkeeper, Redirector, and Roleblocker !
Rocket Flail (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member then you can choose a player outside their wagon to occupy tonight and you will also heal yourself.
Repair Pack (Day) - Your target will be healed tonight but they will also be roleblocked, cannot be used consecutively on the same target. - Infinite uses.
Rally (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may say “Rally to Me!” and up to three players will be both immune to death at night and occupied. - 1 use.
Whip Shot (Night) - Redirects your target to another one. - 2 uses.
Barrier Shield (Night) - You will become immune to death tonight. - 2 uses.
Shield Bash (Night) - Occupies a target. - 3 uses.



“Imagination is the essence of discovery.”
You are the Blue Dragon Day Jailkeeper and Gunsmith !
Tesla Cannon (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member then your Jump Pack will also track your target’s visits for tonight.
Barrier Projector (Day) - Your target will not be able to use day abilities or ultimates nor be affected by them for the remainder of the day. - 3 uses.
Primal Rage (Day) - You may say “WRAUGH!” to gain death immunity for the coming night and the next. While the death immunity is active your Jump Pack can target two players in one night. - 1 use.
Jump Pack (Night) - You will learn if a player can kill via their passive or a non-ultimate day or night action. The Talon factional kill does not count towards this requirement. - Infinite uses.



“Build 'em up, Break 'em down.”
You are the Blue Dragon Protective Mason!
Blue Dragon Support
Rivet Gun (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member, you will gain 5 Scraps. If you’re on a wagon that eliminates an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member, you will gain 2 Scraps. You will also passively gain 1 Scrap per night and you begin with 2 Scraps.
Forge Hammer (Passive) - You will share a chatroom with Bastion, who you know is aligned with the Blue Dragon. If Bastion is not in the game, you will be notified.
Armor Pack (Day) - Prevents a target from dying for the remainder of the day or at night. Consumes 2 Scraps. - Infinite uses.
Molten Core (Day) - You may say “ MOLTEN CORE! ” to gain 4 Scraps and your turrets will also kill any incoming attackers for the coming night. - 1 use.
Build Turret (Night) - Sets up a permanent turret on another player. If they would be nightkilled then the turret dies instead. You will be told when your turrets are attacked. Consumes 4 Scraps. - Infinite uses.
Erradicate all players who want to see the Blue Dragon defeated.

Post 594

Dreaming Fellow

You can choose a class that is from Grand Idea FoL Thread or make it random if player wants.

Hear me, hear me! Anybody who is going to make more Darkest Dungeon related class cards they would get rewarded with a lot of brilders!




“Focus on the essence of your spirit.”
You are Tekhartha, the Blue Dragon Clear-Viewer !
Orb of Destruction (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member, you will receive any kind of checks investigatives had gotten.
Orb of Harmony (Day) - Sets an Orb of Harmony on a player, while the Orb is on them, any investigative checks will always be accurate. - Infinite uses.
Orb of Discord (Day) - Sets an Orb of Discord on a player, while the Orb is on them and they have death immunity, any attacks done on them will be bypassed. - Infinite uses.
Transcendence (Night) - You may nightpost “Experience Tranquility!” and give night immunity to up to three players while also making them any checks on them accurate. - 1 use.

What the hell happened to the image?!

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The Pope
Vatican Special

Infallibility (Passive) - You will appear as a member of the Blue Dragon/town/Green Kraken/ Hamlet until n4. If you die by lynching on d3 or earlier, the rest of the Vatican will vote on who will be the next Pope. If you ever die at night, there will also be a vote. All players who visit a member of the Vatican will become religious. You will be notified of this.
Pope-Mobile (Passive) - You are immune to death at night. You also cannot be redirected.

Reconciliation (Day) - Learn the target’s feedback for their action last night. (4 Uses)
Holy Ceremony (Day) - Convert a player if they are religious. (Infinite Uses, one day cooldown)

Preach (Night) - All players who visit the target player will become religious. (2 Uses)
Wrath of God (Night) - Smite any classes that have Hjasik anywhere in the class card. This will kill them bypassing any immunities. (Infinite Uses)

Scum faction wincon

All vatican aligned classes are the same as their normal counterparts.

Vatican has a factional night kill, that any player can choose instead of their normal night action.

Pope starts the game with a converted Crusader.




“Everything can be hacked… and everyone.”
You are the Blue Dragon Observer and Slank Ambusher !
Machine Pistol (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member or kill them at night via Opportunist then you will gain a free use of Hack the next day and your Translocator will automatically take effect.
Opportunist (Passive) - If a player with a post counter lower than 20 multiplied by the number of nights visits your target via Hack, then you will kill them.
Hack (Day) - You will know who will visit your target by the end of the coming night. - 3 uses.
EMP (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may say “ ¡Apagando las luces! ” to know the targets for the visits of all Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan -aligned players for the coming night.
Stealth (Night) - You will know who your target visits tonight. - Infinite uses.
Translocator (Night) - You will know who visits you tonight, if you are attacked then you will survive the attack but will not be notified. - 3 uses.



“Cheers, love! The cavalry’s here!”
You are the Blue Dragon Slank Vigilante!
Blue Dragon Killer
Pulse Pistols (Passive) - If you hammer or night kill an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss, Vatican or 4chan member, your gain an additional use of Recall.
Recall (Day) - Prevents your Blink from killing Blue Dragon, Green Kraken or Town-aligned players tonight. - 0 uses.
Pulse Bomb (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may say “ Locked on! ” to kill two players who have the lowest post count. - 1 use.
Blink (Night) - Kills a player providing their slot has an overall post count lower than 30 multiplied by the current night. - Infinite uses.
Defeat the Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss, Vatican, 4chan and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Yes but 3x worse.
Despacito is even likeable.


Dr. Junkenstein

You’ll regret the day you laughed at Dr. Jamison Junkenstein!
You are the Unseen Vengeful Rolestopper !
Frag Launcher (Passive) - If you hammer a Blue Dragon , Town or Green Kraken member and you are attacked the coming night, then you will also kill your attacker.
Total Mayhem (Passive) - You will also kill your hammerer if you are lynched.
Concussion Mine (Day) - Prevents a target from using their day ability in the current day. - 3 uses.
RIP-Tire (Day) - During the Lynch Phase, you may comment “ Fire in the hole! ” to be given a day-vig that will be usable only when you die. To use it, type “ Rest in Pieces! ” and name your target. You can have more than one dead day-vig stocked up. - 1 use.
Steel Trap (Night) - Prevents all players from visiting your target, cannot be used consecutively on the same player. - 4 uses

Fucking tumblr pics

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Bwee, hoo hoo, bwoo.
You are the Blue Dragon PGO and Mason !
Configuration: Sentry (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss, Vatican or 4chan member in the Sentry Mode, you will become death immune for the coming night.
Configuration: Recon (Passive) - If you hammer an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss, Vatican or 4chan member in the Recon Mode, you will be allowed to night kill a player outside their wagon.
Ironclad (Passive) - You will share a chatroom with Torbjörn, who you know is aligned with the Blue Dragon. If Tobjorn didn’t spawn, you will be notified. If more than one Tobjorn spawns, you will have individual chats with each one of them.
Reconfigure (Day) - Swaps between the default Recon mode and the Sentry mode. Any player visiting you in the sentry mode will be killed but you cannot be healed nor protected in this form. - Infinite uses.
Configuration: Recon (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you can say “ Boo doo bo dee, boo dee! ” and both of your configuration passives will activate regardless if you hammered an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss, Vatican or 4chan member.
Self-Repair (Night) - Grants death immunity for the night, even if you are in the Sentry Mode. - One use.


Hamlet Investigative

Forbidden Knowledge (Passive) - When you use any of your abilities, you gain 10 stress.

Dark Ritual (Day) - Learn the target player’s faction. (Infinite Uses)

Wyrd Reconstruction (Night) - Attempt to heal a player. (Infinite Uses)

  • Heal a player for tonight and the day cycle. (2/8)
  • Heal a player. (5/8)
  • Bleed the player. They will die in two nights if not healed. (1/8)

Abyssal Artillery (Night) - Target two players, Learn if they can win with each other. (Infinite Uses)

Stress: 0/200

Stress Mechanics

When stress = 200, you will commit suicide

Gain 10 stress whenever a town-aligned player dies
Gain 20 stress whenever a town-aligned player is lynched

Lose 20 stress whenever a scum-aligned player dies
Lose 40 stress whenever a scum-aligned player is lynched
You will lose ALL stress when hammering a scum-aligned player

when converted…

Unseen Investigative

Abandon Hope (Passive) - When converted, you can select a player. All of their stress gains will be doubled until you die.

Weakening Curse (Day) - Target player will receive incorrect feedback for their abilities tonight. (2 Uses)
Unspeakable Commune (Day) - Learn who target player visited last night, and who visited them. (2 Uses)

Abyssal Artillery (Night) - Target a dead player. You will learn who visited them on the night they died. (2 Uses)

Cult Alts!

Can take any ability from the original. They all cost 1.

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“Target acquired!”
You are 404, the Blue Dragon Supprotive Suicide Bomber!
Fusion Cannons (Passive) - For every night kill you perform or an Unseen, Cult, Mafia, Newtwal, Love, Furry, Literature Club, Abyss or 4chan member you hammer, you gain an additional use of one of your abilities.
Micro Missiles (Day) - Protect a player from all harmful effects today and tonight. - One use.
Self Destruct (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may say “ Nerf this! ” and choose to strongman kill up to a third, rounded down, of the players on your wagon. Using this will also cause you to die.
Defense Matrix (Night) - Grants you and an additional player immunity to night kills and day kills the coming day as well. - 2 uses.
Boosters (Night) - The performer of tonight’s factional kill will die if they attack the targeted player. The attack will also be prevented from killing the player. - One use.

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Free to play
If this slot rolls all Overwatch classes will have their name changed to a character from Paladins that resembles said character.

The Fool




“Your safety is my primary concern.”
You are Orisa, the Unseen PGO and Claim Vigilante !
Fusion Driver (Passive) - For every night kill you perform, you may also kill up to one additional target who have fully claimed. If you have hammered a Blue Dragon, Green Kraken or Town-aligned player during the day, then you gain another use of Protective Barrier.
Protective Barrier (Day) - Grants day immunity to an Unseen Member. - 3 uses.
Supercharger (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you can say “ Cease your resistance! ” to guarantee the success of every Unseen member’s actions. - 1 use.
Halt! (Night) - Redirects a player to another target. - 3 uses.
Fortify (Night) - You will kill any player visiting you tonight. - 2 uses.
