Donkey Kong
Dong Special
Leader of the Bunch (Passive) - All of the members of your faction will have their feedback replaced with lyrics of the DK Rap. Your faction will also get additional feedback, such as knowing who they are redirected to (non-invests get equivalent feedback amounts to invests, such as knowing if the player was immune to occupation for Chunky).
DK Crew (Passive) - If you die the crew will decide who the next DK will be. Whenever a member of the crew is killed, gain an additional use of Coconut Gun.
Put your hands together, if you want to clap! (Night) - Convert a player into the DK Crew. They will be able to spend Golden Bananas to bring along some of their wacky abilities. (Infinite Uses, 1 Day Cooldown)
Coconut Gun (Night) - Shoot two players. If they live, they will start hurting and die in two nights unless healed. (1 Use, shared)
Destroy anybody who would oppose the DK Crew
Successfully Converting - You can join in too!
Failed Conversion - Cmon Cranky, take it to the fridge!
Occupied/Prevented - Walnuts, peanuts, pineapple smells
Redirected - Grapes, melons, oranges, and [player they were redirected to]
Bleeding - If he shoots ya, it’s gonna hurt!
Attacked but immune - He’s bigger faster and stronger too
Death - Aww yeah!
Successful attack - His coconut gun can fire in spurts
Attacking immune player - She’s quick and nimble
For Chunky (Invoker clone)
Successful occupation - Can make a Kremling cry for mummy
Unsuccessful occupation - Can pick up a boulder with relative ease
Successful redirection - Makes crushing rocks seem such a breeze
Unsuccessful redirection - He may move slow, he can’t jump high
For Lanky (Apostle clone)
Pull Forth - Th-This Kong has a funny face
(Resetting conversion cooldown) - He has no style, he has no grace
Literally every other ability - HUH
For Tiny (Ritualist clone)
All of your feedback unless aforementioned is “Quick and Nimble”
For Diddy (Seeker Clone)
Successful day ability - He’s back again and about time too
Unsuccessful day ability - And this time he’s in the mood
Tracker abilities - He can fly real high with his jetpack on [Result]
Kill with With his Pistols out - With his pistols out, he’s one tough Kong!
Successful With his Pistols out - He’ll make [result] smile when he plays his tune
Rolecop / Class type check - But [result] beware 'cause he’s after you!