Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Unseen Social

Sleepover (Passive) - Each player will have a private night chat with the player below them in the player list.

Party! (Day) - All players who ping you today will be added to your private night chat. (1 Use)

Defeat the Blue Dragon, the Green Kraken, the Town and any neutrals that seek to do you harm. Converts to and from the Communicator (960)


Binary Scorned

Named Scorned that must see two classes whose selection numbers contain a 1 or 0 executed. If one or less applicable targets are in the game, reroll this class.


Octal Scorned

Named Scorned that must see two classes whose selection numbers contain a 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 executed. If one or less applicable targets are in the game, reroll this class.



Named Scorned that must see two classes whose cards contain spelling mistakes executed. If one or less applicable targets are in the game, reroll this class.

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Hexadecimal Scorned

Named Scorned that must see two classes whose selection numbers contain a 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E or F executed. If one or less applicable targets are in the game, reroll this class.

Hang on a sec

Isn’t that just every class :thinking:


Judas Priest

Same as original Priest, and the player will see a normal Priest card, but their revived target will be converted to the largest scum faction regardless of conversion immunities.

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Saulus Priest

Unseen Support

Same as original Priest, and the player will see a normal Priest card, but their revived target will be converted to the largest town faction regardless of conversion immunities.


Jesus Priest

BD Support

Same as original priest but their revive is an infinite use night ability that can be used n2 onward that instead of immediately reviving players it instead will revive them two nights after the initial use.

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Demon Lord Zeraxos (723) | Jerma Related



Same as Mystic, but all posts must contain either the word “fuel”, “fire”, or the phrase “that which I desire”, including Telepathy and Mind Link messages. Failure to comply three times will result in a modkill.

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Paranoid Sniper (946) but aligned with BD

Mystallica (970), but douses everyone she links and is a neutral killer. Ignites by sucessfuly rickrolling someone (the host also counts).

how do they ignite?


Smokey the Bear
Neutral Support

Fire Safety Manager (Passive) - Can only spawn in any games with arsonist type roles. Immune to the effects of dousing. While you are alive, the arsonist roles in question can target an additional player with their effects.

Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires (Day) - Learn if a player is doused in gas. You will receive a positive check if they are either doused or the arsonist. (Infinite Uses)

Put out (Night) - Clean the gas off of a player if they are doused. This will also prevent them from being doused for the night. You will be notified if either of these effects activated. (Infinite Uses)
Rage (Night) - Attack a player. If they are an arsonist-type role this will bypass immunities. (1 Use)

Survive to see all fire related roles die.

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Doesn’t work like that, the passive only activates if IT DOES SPAWN. Aka it won’t spawn in games without it however could spawn in games with it.

Butler but douses everyone who they occupy and serve party ignites



Named Prince


The Aarakocra

Blue Dragon Killer
Ability Score Increase - Dexterity (Passive) - Can use two actions per day or night for the first three cycles
Ability Score Increase - Wisdom (Passive) - Always knows how many players visited you last night
Flight (Day) - Fly into the skies. Attacks with a meele flavor (daggers, swords) are guaranteed to fail this cycle. - 1d4 uses
Talons (Night) - You are proficient with your unarmed strikes, which can kill a player. - 1d4 uses
Defeat the scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Aasimar

Blue Dragon Support
Ability Score Increase - Charisma (Passive) - Occupy Immune
Celestial Resistance (Passive) - You are immune to attacks with a light damage or necrotic damage flavor. Includes Reaps and Possessions.
Light Bearer (Day) - Target player is immune to attacks with a meele flavor for the night. The scum factions will be notified of this. - 1d4 uses
Healing Hands (Night) - Heal a player for the night - 1d4 uses
Darkvision (Night) - Select a target. You will be notified of which factions visited your target last night - 1d4 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Dwarf

Blue Dragon Investigative
Ability Score Increase - Constituition (Passive) - One-time death immunity
Dwarven Resilience (Passive) - Immune to poison and bleeding
Dwarven Combat Training (Passive) - You will appear as a Killer to all checks.
Subrace (Passive) - Pick one subrace at the start of the game. This cannot be undone.
Tool Proficiency (Day) - If someone gets an item stolen while you are alive, it can be replaced through this ability - 1d4 uses.
Stonecunning (Day) - Exhume a player if they were cleaned. You will know their class and logs - 1d4 uses.
Darkvision (Night) - Select a target. You will be notified of which factions visited your target last night - 1d4 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Subclass - Hill Dwarf

Ability Score Increase - Wisdom (Passive) - Always knows how many players visited you last night
Dwarven Toughness (Passive) - Death immune when it’s day.

Subclass - Mountain Dwarf

Ability Score Increase - Strenght (Passive) - Immune to AoE visit prevention.
Dwarven Armor Training (Passive) - When you die, reveal the death cause.

Subclass - Duergar

Ability Score Increase - Strenght (Passive) - Immune to AoE visit prevention.
Sunlight Sensitivity (Passive) - If converted to the Unseen or another scum faction, your subclass will change to this one. You can’t pick this subclass at the start of the game.
Superior Darkvision (Night) - Darkvision is replaced for Select a target. You will be notified of how many players of which factions visited your target last night - 1d4 uses

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Damnit you, I was gonna make a dwarf.


The Halfling

Blue Dragon Special

Ability Score Increase - Dexterity (Passive) - Can use both actions per day or night for the first three cycles.

Brave (Day) - Become conversion immune for the night. [1d4 Uses]
Lucky (Day) - Target player’s action will be guaranteed to succeed tonight. [1d4 Uses]

Halfling Nimbleness (Night) - Hide behind a target, causing all actions targeting you to be performed on them. This will automatically fail if you hide behind a member of any scum faction. [1d4 Uses]
Naturally Stealthy (Night) - Spy on a target and discover which type of action they use tonight (host’s discretion). [1d4 Uses]

Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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Neutral Special

Endless Task (Passive) - At the start of the game, and at the end of each day/night cycle, you must choose a day and night ability from the Grand Idea thread. You must use these abilities at every available opportunity or else you will be modkilled. You can use all your abilities once during their respective phases.

You win when you survive to complete your tasks for 5 cycles, or until the end of the game, whichever comes first.

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The Bugbear

Blue Dragon Killer
Ability Score Increase - Strenght (Passive) - Immune to AoE visit prevention.
Ability Score Increase - Dexterity (Passive) - an use two actions per day or night for the first three cycles
Surprise Attack (Day) - Attack a player. - 1d4 uses
Sneaky (Day) - Make your visits immune to observers and observer-like abilities tonight - 1d4 uses
Long-Limbed (Night) - Attack a player. - 1d4 uses
Darkvision (Night) - Select a target. You will be notified of which factions visited your target last night - 1d4 uses
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Here, have a sneak peek of a little project I’m doing.



Council Special

Council Leader (Passive) - Your vote counts for two. You will be announced as a Council Leader at the start of the game.

Leader’s Blessing (Night) - Protect yourself and target player from attacks tonight. [2 Uses]
Defeat the major scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



Council Social

Gemini (Passive) - You share a night chat with [Player Name], who you know is POLLUX and a part of the Council.
Cry Out (Night) - POLLUX’s vote will secretly count as two tomorrow. [2 Uses]
Defeat the major scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

NOTE: To prevent confirmation, [Player Name] will show as [REDACTED] upon flip.


Council Social

Gemini (Passive) - You share a night chat with [Player Name], who you know is CASTOR and a part of the Council.

Zeus’ Favour (Night) - CASTOR will secretly need one more vote to be lynched tomorrow. [2 Uses]
Defeat the major scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

NOTE: To prevent confirmation, [Player Name] will show as [REDACTED] upon flip.



Council Killer

Workshop’s Flames (Night) - Light a fire under a player. The second time you perform this on a player, they will be occupied, and the third time, you will kill them. [Infinite Uses]
Craft Trap (Night) - Place a trap at a player’s house, killing one attacker in this order: Major Scum, Neutral, Minor Scum, Ally, Council. [2 Uses]
Defeat the major scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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