Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

Technically, it’s useful for having an ability in game that has 50% to kill and then 50% to investigate, to fool that. Named vanilia town


Technically, it’s useful for having an ability in game that has 50% to kill and then 50% to investigate, to fool that. Named townie who has the ability mentioned in their name.



Twice per game, you can predict at night which person will be lynched the next day. If you are correct, you may gain an anytime vig shot.

Your objective is to defeat the main scum faction, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


the very generous post restriction

You can post 20 + 2*# of living players (max) times per day/night cycle, overriding other post-amount post restrictions
reroll this slot for the class to apply this too

have fun @Wazza
dang you completed rolling just before i posted


The Prodigy


Musician Killing

Firestarter (Passive) - You are immune to any arsonist-like kills.

Omen (Day) - Choose a player. If they die tonight, gain a use of Invaders Must Die. [Infinite Uses]

Invaders Must Die (Night) - Kill any scum and third party-aligned visitors to you tonight. You will be immune to death when using this. [1 Use]

Your objective is to eliminate the scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

1507 - Dies N1, aligned with the Blue Dragon. You may cast votes even from beyond the graveyard, and your presence won’t count towards majority. If there is no convertable players left, it will be announced to all converters that you may be converted. If someone tries to convert you before that, they also suceed. If you are converted, it’s announced in the topic that you have been ressurected.

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“How many is that? I stopped counting a long time ago.”
You are the Unseen Support !
Maximus’ Original Sin (Passive) - Get modkilled at the middle of Day 5.
Passive: Fog - Invigorating an Unseen player with nothing channeled will make them appear BD. Invigorating a non-Unseen Player with nothing channeled will frame them

Day Ability 1: Channel Frost - Invigorate will make the target death immune (3 uses)
Day Ability 2: Channel Flame - Invigorate will make the target occupy and redirect immune (3 uses)

Night Ability 1: Invigorate - Apply the channeled effect on target player tonight. You will know if it is triggered. (Unlimited)
Night Ability 2: نامي - Roleblock target player. Infinite uses.


The Theurgist

"They were right to fear me. If only they had listened to their cowardice. Had they not taken my home with fire, I would not have taken their children.

Now I am banished to Wraeclast. I’ve heard the dark rumours… seen the terror in other exiles’ eyes. But to me one land is like any other. The elements are my allies, the dead are my servants, and fear will be my closest friend."

[Scum] Social
Deviance (Passive) - The Theurgist pertains to the non-town, non-blue dragon and non-green kraken faction with the less members. Neutrals do not count as a faction.
Lost Wolf (Passive) - You do not know who your scummates are. You are not in the factional chat.
Withering Presence (Passive) - You can talk to the dead. The dead shouldn’t be informed you are the Theurgist. If there are other deadspeakers, their role also shouldn’t be announced to the dead.
Wicked Wonder (Day) - Learn the names of all those who visited, last night, an alive player - 2 uses.
Soul Weaver (Day) - When there is a tie on the votings, you can select to mark two of the tied players. If one of them is lynched, the other will die in their place. - 1 use.
Vile Ward (Night) - Prevent a player from dying tonight, but do not heal any conditions they may have. - Infinite uses.
Necromancy (Night) - Revive a dead non-town, non-blue dragon or non-green kraken player for 2 nights. You will be revealed as the Theurgist - 1 use.


Le Necrobump

Random aligment
For every night you are alive you must Necrobump a past GI turbo.

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Extremely Evil Mod

Blue Dragon Social

Deflection (Passive) - All abilities targeting you will passively target a different random player.
Bullshit Extreme (Passive) - Your ITA shots will always hit. All effects that require the mod to lie to players will be outed at the start of the game (if there was a role immune to investigation, it would be known that there was one at the start of the game)

Bring balance to the forum by defeating the scum faction and all neutrals. And Fool.


Numbers are broken

Random aligment
Every odd day you are alive players will get a ITA shoot.The hit chance Will be calculated by:
Number of classes in ashe’s GI thread÷Number of posts.


Totally good class

482 but change any mention of hjasik with a player in the game that can’t be hjasik

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Hubert Rejk

Vatican Special
Concerned Citizen (Passive) - You appear as “It’s time to stop” (212) to all investigative checks made unto you.
Katakan’s Shadow (Passive) - While you are alive, no flips are revealed to the town, only alignments. When you die, all class types will be revealed.
Vilmerius Physician (Night) - Remove all bad statuses (burning, poisoning, marking of any kind, blackmailing, etc - framing, roleblocking, feedback-changing and conversion not included) from a player. - Infinite uses.
Novigrad Coroner (Night) - Select a dead player. You will learn their full role. - Infinite uses.



Item#: SCP-106
Neutral Killer


SCP-106 appears to be an elderly humanoid, with a general appearance of advanced decomposition. This appearance may vary, but the “rotting” quality is observed in all forms. SCP-106 is not exceptionally agile, and will remain motionless for days at a time, waiting for prey. SCP-106 is also capable of scaling any vertical surface and can remain suspended upside down indefinitely. When attacking, SCP-106 will attempt to incapacitate prey by damaging major organs, muscle groups, or tendons, then pull disabled prey into its pocket dimension. SCP-106 appears to prefer human prey items in the 10-25 years of age bracket.

Abnormality (Passive) - You are completely immune to death from all sources other than a lynch. This includes strongman kills and Execute. All investigative abilities will peek you as a class of your choice. Any player visiting you or your target will be silently poisoned.

Depravity (Day) - Your kill tonight will not kill the target immediately. They will not be able to vote tomorrow or use abilities the following day, and will not count toward majority. - 2 Uses

Consume (Night) - Kill by bringing them into your pocket dimension. This kill cannot be stopped by any means. - Infinite Uses

You win when all major factions have been defeated.


How to revive a good thread

Blue Dragon Social
Necrobumper (Passive) - You have to make at least 300 posts per day.
Reavival (Passive) - No actions work on you. Instead, you will absorb those abilities and gain them as one-shot.

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The Mercception

Neutral Support
Not a Merc(passive)
@Mercenary cannot roll this
Offer Contract (Day) - You may offer to form a contract with another player during the day.If they accept they become The Mercception-1 use,refunded if you target a Mercception,cannot target @ Mercenary
Stand Guard (Night) - Protect your target from visits, and grant yourself immunity to death tonight- 4 uses
Rebound (Night) - Kill a player who accused a Mercception or @ Mercenary of treason earlier in the day. - 2 uses
Your objective is to survive to see all living players as
The Mercceptionn or to see @ Mercenary win the Game at all cost

It doesn’t prevent,it’s the same class with a different target

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Its different class since My class has concrete target And not X meaning Its a different class


Nitro Jailkeeper

Blue Dragon Support
Hardened Piety (Passive) - Your death is delayed by 1 cycle, should you die for whatever reason.
Jail (Night) - Prevent a player from death. Prevent them from using their night action. No one can visit the jailed player.


Post classes in your posts reeeeee

Named fool