Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version



Neutral Offensive

Can Is Fun (Passive): You are immune to death at night, day vigges, bleeding/poison, and occupation/target change. Additionally you must say cancel this in every post or you will lose all your immunites permanently

No Canning u (Day Ability): Can a player making all of their abilities go away for the rest of the game. (1 use.)

Can Curse (Day Ability): Curse the player with Can occupying them for 2 nights. (3 use.)

Can u Can this? No? I will steal all ur stuff then (Night Ability): Steal a player’s ability for the night. You will be able to use it. If it is limited and you use it then the charge will be taken. (Infinte uses).

Can this or worse goal (Night Ability): Replace a player’s goal with a goal of choice. (2 use.)

You win when you make sure that at least 4 people have lost this game.

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The Bus Driver

Named random unseen, but must also bus a member of the unseen in order to win, WoTM may override the wincon change, but not the name.

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123 tol merc

124 tol sellsword


The Bastermind

Unseen Special
Bastard Mastermind (Passive) - Sees self as a Mastermind, but conversions and Foresight have a 50% chance of failing and turning your target into a Neutral Killer instead.
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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The Reflexive Mastermind

Unseen Special
Reflexive Conversions (Passive) - Same as Mastermind, except that all players who visit the Reflexive Mastermind are converted. There is no cool-down with a reflexive conversion and players converted this way bypass the Unseen’s faction cap.
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Curt Reader

Cult Special
Cult Leader (Passive) - Same as Cult Leader, except you must always use an R instead of an L in your posts.
Defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



The Ultra Vengeful Citizen

Blue Dragon Killer
Ultra Retribution (Passive) - When executed, will shoot an arrow and kill all players who voted the user up for trial.
Defeat the Unseen or Cult and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



The Observer with no Sense of Direction named Observer, except they see their visit list inverted(following becomes followed and vice-versa) and sees themselves as a normal Observer.


Court Wizard
Named Reaper that appears to be the court wizard to faction/type checks



Renamed citizen


The Mind Reader

Blue Dragon Investigative
Read Mind(Night) - Get your target’s exact class name, if they are sane. If they are insane you suicide. - 1 use
Check Mind (Night) - Check if your target is sane or insane. Anyone who wants to be killed, who doesn’t know what they really do with their abilities or who has a post restriction is insane. - unlimited uses
Get rid of all evils who stand against the Blue Dragon.

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The Balancer

Unknown Support
Underdog Helper (Passive) - You are a member of the faction (other than neutral) that has the least members at the start of the game, with all the things that entails (win condition, night chat access, investigative results etc). Your class card reflects what faction this is, and lists the things it entails.
Helping Hand (Day) - Your target’s vote is worth one more than it usually is today. They must be a member of your faction, and you can’t use this ability on The King regardless of their faction. - 2 uses
Clean Up (Night) - If your target dies tonight, they will leave no logbook. - Infinite uses
Boost Defenses (Night) - The target player is immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Your win condition is determined by what other classes roll. See Underdog Helper.

In case an example is needed, an Unseen version would appear as:

The Balancer

Unseen Support
Underdog Helper (Passive) - You are a member of the faction (other than neutral) that has the least members at the start of the game, which is The Unseen. You have access to their night chat, appear as one of them to investigations and have their win condition.
Helping Hand (Day) - Your target’s vote is worth one more than it usually is today. They must be a member of your faction, and you can’t use this ability on The King regardless of their faction. - 2 uses
Clean Up (Night) - If your target dies tonight, they will leave no logbook. - Infinite uses
Boost Defenses (Night) - The target player is immune to death tonight. - 3 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, any other scum factions, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Old Court Wizard
The one that had unlimited tornados.

Ashe why do you hate light themers? :frowning:

Court Blizzard
Court Wizard but your name is white to taunt light themers >:3

Shadow Wizard
Court Wizard but your name is black to taunt dark themers >:3

I don’t, the white not showing up well on light theme was an accident. My bad!
Because dark theme is superior of course :^)


Court Wizard
But neutral and with a survive goal.

Don’t expose me reeeee
Named Prince.

Post 138

The King but with unlimited “Allies”.

The ping was accidental i swear!

Court Jizzard named Court Wizard who’s barrier will turn people into neutral Dickizens(15).

King ain’t got no allies
Named cowardly king.