Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version



The Armorsmith may each night give a player a Bulletproof vest. The vest will protect the target from one kill, and the target will be informed that they received the vest (and also when they lose it). The Armorsmith may not self-target. Can’t target the same person twice.


Role that’s overpowered in turbo but extremely weak in an actual game

Cult Special
ez clap (Passive) - Trials are disabled. This will be announced publicly at the start of the game. All non-cult abilities and non-cult votes are disabled 15 minutes before the end of day and night.

Shotgun (Day) - Shoot a player. If their class card can stop ez clap from affecting them, they will be removed from the game. - 1 Use

Defeat all other main factions and any neutrals that would stand in your way.

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Ascetic Virus

Blue Dragon Support
Ascetic (Passive) - You are immune to all abilities, except kills.
Flesh to Flesh (Night) - Give someone the “Ascetic” passive and this ability. - 1 use, compulsive.
Defeat the scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Safety Procedures

Heal (Night) - Heal a player tonight. If you target someone with killing power, they will lose one use of their killing abilities. If all their killing abilities are infinite uses, they will lose one at random. If they have an ITA, their ITA hitrate is now set to 0. If they have a group or factional kill, they will no longer be elligible to perform this kill. Those steps should be taken in this speciic order.


Btw guys as I hosted all those GI turbos I noticed that we have a lack of both good factions and support roles, if we could have more of them I would be delighted

Named Doctor.


Time to post some good roles

Named VT

Parity cop

Vanilla vanilla


Yes I realize town is neutral and BD is good,we should change town

Named BD citizen



Blue Dragon Support

Strength (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection

Jail (Night) - Occupy a player, but heal and make them conversion immune for the night. - Infinite Uses

Defeat scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

( @Geyde change your number)

If this slot rolls all good factions become BD
Reroll this slot

The Babysitter may each night protect someone from being killed. However, if the Babysitter is killed, the Babysitter’s target will die as well.

The Beguiler may every night hide behind a target. Any actions targeted at the Beguiler on this night will instead affect the Beguiler’s target. This ability can be used a maximum of 3 times.


Bodyguard Boss

Blue Dragon Support

Bulletproof (Passive) - Cannot be killed by actions directly targeting you.
Enemies Close (Day) - Select a player. If that players tries to target you with a killing action on this cycle, you will sacrifice yourself to kill them. - 3 uses.
Guard Body! (Night) - Target one player to be a Bodyguard for a second player also chosen by the Bodyguard Boss. - Infinite Uses
Defeat scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

If this slot is rolled, ITAs are activated. The default hitchance is 15%.


Darkest Dungeon Killing
Convenient Bushes (Passive) - You have 4 bushes to hide behind and you can change which bush you will hide behind at any moment. Whenever someone attempts to attack you and would otherwise kill you, they gain the knowledge that you are the Crocodillian and must pick a bush between 1 and 4. They only kill you if they hit the right bush. If you do not pick a bush, your initial bush will be bush 4.
Oh no, not this fuck (Passive) - When you die, all players should nightpost “Oh no, not this fuck” the following night. Those who do not do so are modkilled.
Swarming Corruption (Day) - Make all Hamlet-aligned players gain 12 stress. All other players gain -10% accuracy to their ITAs. - Infinite uses, 90% chance of affecting each player.
Submerge (Day) - Heal yourself for this night, curing all bleeding-like abilities cast upon you, and gain ITA immunity for this day - Infinite uses.
Teeth Rake (Night) - Select a player. If they are Hamlet-aligned, they will gain 12 stress. If they are not, they start bleeding and will die in 2 nights unless healed. - Infinite uses, 80% chance.
Apex Predator (Night) - Select a player. Strongman kill them, provided they have claimed. - 1 use.
Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Darkest Dungeon faction is a bunch of evildoers who work paralelly to each other. They don’t have a mastermind or a scum chat, but know their identities. Whoever makes the better drawing of who they want to be factional killed at night performs the kill. They shouldn’t out the identity of whom they want to be factional killed — the game host should interpretate the drawing to see the intended target.

@Geyde Can we make this a thing :’^}





Darkest Dungeon Special
Unfortunate (Passive) - You will appear as suspicious to all investigative abilities and will be seen visiting players that die during the night. If a player would kill you with an ITA or other killing abilities, one of your farmsteads will take your place. You have two farmsteads and can gain one by killing a player by any means (hammering them, ITA shot, killing them at night).
The Reaping (Passive) - Your ITA hit percentage is doubled when you are the last Darkest Dungeon faction member left alive.
The Master Beckons (Day) - Summon a farmhand. This will be publicly announced. If the farmhand lives until the end of the day they will kill a player of your choice (does not bypass immunity and the kill target must still be drawn). The player who killed the farmhand will heal 20 stress. - 2 Uses
The Stars Align (Day) - Determine a player’s class. You will die if they die in this cycle or the next. - Infinite Uses
Harvest (Night) - Occupy a player. If you have already targeted them with this ability then kill them instead. - 3 Uses, 75% chance
Winter’s Breath (Night) - Inflict a player with 20 stress and occupy them. If they attempted to use an ability they will instead lose it. - 3 Uses, 75% chance

Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


No Swear on my Christian Server

Neutral Chaos
Passive - Christian Status - You have death immunity, redirection immunity, and occupy immunity. And you may use both of your day ability in the same time.
Passive - H*ck - You will be modkilled immediately if you swore during the day.
Day ability - Call forth the judgement! - You may mark up to three people who have sweared during the day as filth by quoting their swearing post. When people put up a non-filth up to the trial, you will instantly pardon the player. Then, you will force the filth to gladiates with other filth. If a marked filth is putted up to the trial, you will force execute them, ending the day. Surviving filth will be purified, removing this status effect and became death immune, occupy immune, redirection immune tonight. And will be unable to became filth again. (3 uses)
Day ability - Grand scheme - Mark two player as heathens. (infinite uses)
Night Ability - No Swear on my Christian Server! - Mark two of the heathens with brand of exalt, if they swear during the day, immediately modkill them on spot and hide their class card and journals on death. This effect is persistent through out the game. (infinite uses)
Night Ability - The last show - You use your great power to affect your heathens tonight. If they haven’t been marked by brand of exalt, you will cause them to bleed uncontrollably, making them die in 2 days unless healed. If they have gotten marked by brand of exalt, you will kill them at the end of the next day. They will be notified if they got bled by the use of the last show. (2 uses)
Your objective is to cause five players to die by your hand, thus making the world clean again





“Maybe…maybe I might live again.”

You are a girl who possess a mysterious power that allows you to control the “will” of the people that have been purged during the incident of “exile.” You, along with your little brother, Souma, are the only one who survived the incident.

Passive - The realization of one’s “will” - At the start of each day, choose one player who is either alive or dead, if they are alive, you will know their class type and also allow you to influence your ability depending on the class type they are. Same thing also applies with dead.
Day Ability - Control will -



Necromancer Apprentice

(To differentiate from all other those Necromancer classes)

Darkest Dungeon Investigative
Servantry (Passive) - Whenever you summon a skeleton, its type will be sorted between Bone Rabbie, Bone Soldier, Bone Defender and Bone Captain, with 1/4 chance each.
Bone Rabbie - When the next player with a Social class type dies, this skeleton gains randomly one of their abilities.
Bone Soldier - When the next player with an Offensive class type dies, this skeleton gains randomly one of their abilities.
Bone Defender - When the next player with a Support class type dies, this skeleton gains randomly one of their abilities.
Bone Captain - When the next player with an Investigative class type dies, this skeleton gains randomly one of their abilities.
Each skeleton can only perform one action before biting the dust.
Six Feet Under (Day) - Summon a skeleton. Give all players +15 stress. - Infinite Uses, 1-day cooldown.
The Crawling Dead (Night) - Target a player. If they are from a “good” faction, summon a skeleton. - Infinite Uses.
The Flesh is Willing (Night) - Target a player. If they are from a “scum” faction, summon a skeleton. - Infinite Uses.

Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Darkest Dungeon faction is a bunch of evildoers who work paralelly to each other. They don’t have a mastermind or a scum chat, but know their identities. Whoever makes the better drawing of who they want to be factional killed at night performs the kill. They shouldn’t out the identity of whom they want to be factional killed — the game host should interpretate the drawing to see the intended target.




Darkest Dungeon Offensive
Pew pew pew! (Passive) - If you are between Night 4 and Night 5, your hammerer or killer will gain a bulletproof vest that is only broken when they are attacked, a gun or a medkit.
Night 4 - Medkit.
Day 5 - Bulletproof vest.
Night 5 - Gun.
Calamitous Prognostication (Day) - Mark a player. - Infinite uses.
Eye on You (Day) - If a player has 100 stress or greater, mark them and give them a bleeding effect. They will die in two nights unless healed. - Infinite uses.
Rubble of Ruin (Night) - Give all marked players +30 stress. Clear their marks. - Infinite uses.
Fulminate (Night) - Make all players with 100 stress or less start bleeding, dying in two nights unless healed. - Infinite uses, only usable Night 4 or after.

Your objective is to defeat the main factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

The Darkest Dungeon faction is a bunch of evildoers who work paralelly to each other. They don’t have a mastermind or a scum chat, but know their identities. Whoever makes the better drawing of who they want to be factional killed at night performs the kill. They shouldn’t out the identity of whom they want to be factional killed — the game host should interpretate the drawing to see the intended target.

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