Court Witch
Court Wizard but if you vote or post more than 10 times in a day you are burned for being a witch and die.
Court Witch
Court Wizard but if you vote or post more than 10 times in a day you are burned for being a witch and die.
Sheriff but always receives wrong results.
Outed Prince
Prince but everyone will know you are prince.
next grand idea will be full of CW lol
Fool but is BD aligned
The Court Wizard
Named random BD class, roll this thread until it’s BD and use that.
Caught Wizard
Court Wizard but you are caught so can’t do any abilities so are basically a citizen.
(what is the number for the right BD color?)
Post 147
The Bastard Host
If you roll this slot, The Host would need to insert some bastard mechanics in game.
Reroll this slot afterwards.
Fool but must publicly claim CW d1 or is modkilled.
Fool but can jail and execute people.
Court wizard but must pubically claim cw or is modkilled
Random class from original Grand Idea Thread.
The Ministry of Magic
If this slot is rolled, all classes with “Wizard” in the name will share a night chat. Reroll this slot.
Prince but must claim CW d1 or be modkilled. If they soft-claim or hard-claim anything else they will be modkilled.
Bastard Prince who will turn everyone they jail into Court Wizards aligned with their previous faction. Sees self as a regular Prince.
Neutral King but thinks they are a Court Wizard.
Post 155
Random Court Wizard
It can be every type from this thread.
Just write “steblue” as color.
Court Wizard
Court Wizard but every two magical barrier kills the target
Weeb Prince
Prince but must have an anime related discussion with their jailed target. If the target refuses they will be auto executed.
The Wizard Destroyer
Neutral Investigative
Chain (Night) - Occupy all magic users. 1 use. (What magic is, is up to the host.)
Seek (Night) - Check if a player has “wizard” in their class name. If they do, you will kill them. Infinite Uses
Kill all Wizards.