“I play to win!”
You are D.Va, the Unseen Supportive Suicide Bomber !
Fusion Cannons (Passive) - For every night kill you perform or Town, Green Kraken or Blue Dragon-aligned player you hammer, you gain an additional use of one of your abilities.
Micro Missiles (Day) - Removes all beneficial effects a player will receive today and tonight. - One use.
Self Destruct (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may say “Nerf this!” and choose to strongman kill up to a third, rounded down, of the players on your wagon. Using this will also cause you to die.
Defense Matrix (Night) - Grants you and an additional Unseen member immunity to night kills and the other member will be immune to day kills the coming day as well. - 2 uses.
Boosters (Night) - The performer of tonight’s factional kill will bypass all forms of protection. - One use.