Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Michael Jackson
Blue Dragon Support

Fast Feet (Passive) - You will be night immune to all attacks from the player you target each night.
You are not Alone (Passive) - Connected to the dead chat at all times. May talk to them at night.

Just Beat It! (Day) - All players that visit you tonight will be redirected to target player.
(1 Use)

Man In the Mirror (Night) - Steal a player’s primary night ability. It will have one use regardless of its prior uses, and when used the ability will be given back. (Infinite Uses)
Thriller (Night) - Revive a player. Cannot be stopped by any means. (1 Use)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

I’m copying classes from uCreate



Town Special
Lady of Luminosity [Passive] - You will know the potential class type of targets you successfully use abilities on.
Final Spark [Day] - Kill a target, in broad daylight by replying “No more holding back!” to your target. [2 uses, 2 day cooldown]
For Demacia! [Day] - Give a target occupation and redirection immunity tonight. Can target yourself. [2 uses]
Prismatic Barrier [Night] - Give you and your target death immunity tonight [2 Uses]
Lucent Singularity [Night] - Occupy all players visiting your target. [2 Uses]

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Big Boss

Blue Dragon Killer

Nanomachines (Passive) - Immune to death during the day.
Legendary Soldier (Passive) - Whenever you are targeted by abilities from non-BD aligned players, they will learn that you are Big Boss.
Stinger Missile (Day) - Silently kill a player, wiping their flip and logs. If they are normally night immune they will not be killed by this ability. If you kill a member of the Blue Dragon, you will appear as suspicious to investigative abilities for the rest of the game. [1 Use]
Cardboard Box (Day) - Prevent all visits to you tonight. [1 Use]
CQC Mastery (Night) - Attack target player. If you kill a member of the Blue Dragon you will lose all uses of your other abilities. This ability is guiltless if it is redirected. [Infinite Uses]
The Patriot (Night) - Initiate an ITA phase at any point in the day anonymously that will last for an hour. You will have 75% accuracy, and other players will have a 10% accuracy. Players who are normally night immune will be registered as a miss to all shots. [3 Uses]

Defeat the scum faction and the neutral killer.


Smash Social

SO HAPPY (Passive) - The first four abilities used on you will fail. Abilities from other smash aligned classes will bypass this and not count toward the total.

Egg Toss (Day) - Kill a player, revealing that Yoshi is in the game. Upon using this a second time thereafter, you will instead reveal yourself as their killer. (Infinite Uses, only usable as the last member of the Smash faction alive)
Swallow Whole (Day) - Prevent target player from being voted or being targeted by day abilities for the rest of the day. They will not be able to use day abilities either. (2 Uses)

Tax Fraud (Night) - Make target player appear as a chosen class to investigative abilities as long as you are alive. If used on a player a second time, they will appear to visit the kill target of the Smash faction. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat all threats to your domination.



Phil Swift
Blue Dragon Support


Super Strong (Passive) - Immune to death once. In addition, your abilities cannot be prevented by passives.

Flex Seal (Day) - Heal a player from bleed/poison and day attacks. (Infinite Uses)
Saw (Day) - Saw a player in half, causing them to bleed. (1 Use)

Flex Tape (Night) - Heal a player. They will also be immune to death. (Infinite Uses)
Flex Glue (Night) - Remove a player’s immunities for the night. This includes applied immunities (such as Guard!) and investigation immunities. (2 Uses)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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Bishop :star:
Blue Dragon Support

God’s Wrath (Passive) - If you are lynched, you may kill one of your accusers.
Call of the Dead (Passive) - You may communicate with the dead at night.

Bless (Day) - Shield a player from death and conversion for the night. (2 Uses)
Reconciliation (Day) - Target player may not fake their claim for the day. If they were converted or otherwise changed class, they may choose to claim their original class, but will be occupied for the night if they do so. (1 Use)

Miracle (Night) - Revive target player from the dead, and create a private neighborhood chat between you both. They cannot be voted on the day of resurrection. This ability may not be prevented by any means. (1 Use)
Shield of Faith (Night) - Make target player and yourself immune to conversion for the night. (2 Uses)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

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Blue Dragon Investigative

Veteran’s Eye (Passive) - On n4 onwards, your investigative abilities will always be correct. Due to old age, you will die on the seventh day.

Stakeout (Day) - Place a scout on a player that will stay on them until you choose another target. You will be notified if they are visited by a member of the scum faction, and what happened to them. (Infinite Uses)

Search Warrant (Night) - Investigate a player to determine their exact class if they are a member of the scum faction. On n4 onwards, you will be notified if they are neutral. (Infinite Uses)
Vigilantism (Night) - Shoot target player. If they are aligned with your faction, you will die instead.

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Traitor

Knight that is converted into the faction that attacked them instead of dying. If attacked by the Neutral Killer, their win condition will be changed to make sure the Neutral Killer wins.


Blue Dragon Investigative

The Old Ones (Passive) - At the beginning of each day, the names of three players are given to the Scribe. One of them is the specified class selected by Scry if it received a positive result.
Prepared (Passive) - You may use Scry before the game starts.

Scry (Night) - Select a class. You will be notified if the chosen class is in the game. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



Blue Dragon Investigative

The Old Ones (Passive) - The names of four players are given to the Scribe if they received a positive result from Scry last night. One of them is the specified class selected.
Prepared (Passive) - You may use Scry before the game starts.
THE SACRED TEXTS! (Day) - You may choose 3 classes tonight. (1 Use)
Scry (Night) - Select a class. You will be notified if the chosen class is in the game. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


You should add a number to your post

Named Cult Leader


You asked, and I delivered

Named assassin with infinite 241s


Weeb Cult Leader :crossed_swords: :star:
Cult Special

Weeb (Passive) - Same as regular cult leader but will automatically convert any player that says “Anime”, bypassing immunities. The faction cap is set to 6.


Same as 869 but flips as regular cult leader


Neutral Support

Poor Fellow (Passive) - If you achieve your win condition early, you may kill your accuser/killer bypassing everything.

Throw Tomato (Day) - Force another player to target you with their day abilities. (Infinite Uses)
Gladiate the Priest (Day) - Gladiate a random player who can revive, making it so that only you two can be voted today. (2 Uses)

Plague Potion (Night) - Kill a player. (2 Uses)
"Crimson" Potion (Night) - Make a player think they were healed from bleed/poison. (Infinite Uses)

Die or survive.

Help I need an infinite-use ability to put on an uninformed majority killer class that isn’t just killing people

In the meantime:


Chronomancer but Distort Reality redirects all delayed deaths to the King, if there is one. Otherwise they are redirected to you.

I don’t see an infinite use ability for a killer class working very well


Phil Swift who must claim Alchemist whenever asked for role.

Alch who must claim Phil Swift as his role


Neutral Killer

Bribe (Passive) - Immune to death, occupation, and good business practices.

Micro-transactions (Day) - Monetize a game too far, causing target player to die. (Infinite Uses)

Terrible Sequel (Night) - Gain 3 abilities from the Grand Idea thread that are worse than the original incarnations. (Infinite Uses)
Disband Company (Night) - Get rid of a great game studio, killing a player bypassing immunities. (1 Use)

Defeat all opposition.

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needs to use that ability 3 times on same person third use on same person will strongman attack it