Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


I’m sorry for your loss

Named Insanity the Snuggler (840)


Nagito Komaeda
Named Sans Undertale (903)


Guerilla Warfare
Named Insanity the Snuggler (840)


Sans Gaming
Smash Aligned
dodge (passive) - you are immune to one attack made on your life. additionally you will know exactly who papyrus is if he spawns in and you will share a nightchat with them. you will know who killed papyrus if they die.
sleep (passive) - due to your great prediction skills. you know how many players spawned in with a killer class. additionally you must crack a skeleton pun in thread each day or your abilities will be disabled for the night.
kids like you. (day) - find out if target player has sinned (killed anybody) in the game at the start of tonight. - infinite uses
gaster blaster - kill target player. this bypasses healing and night immunities if the targeted player has been checked and has sinned. if you kill a player which has not sinned, this ability will go on a 1 night cooldown - Infinite uses
blue attack (night) - if target player leaves their room tonight, they will bleed sometime tomorrow. - 2 uses
your objective is to rid the game of Sans and defeat all who would oppose your domination.



Undertale OST - sans.
Named sans undertale (903)


Named Ness (922)


Maxi’s favorite class
Named Pugchemist (488)


Janna, the storm’s fury. (746)



Geyde, Lord of the Grand Idea Thread :crown: :shield:
Forum Special

Shitty Ideas (Passive) - All instances of X in your class card are equivalent to how many classes posted by @Geyde on the Grand Idea FoL thread are alive. In addition, you can win with players that have Geyde’s regardless of their faction.
Tyranny (Passive) - Your vote is secretly worth X, and it will appear to be worth 2. Attacks and bleeding/poison attempts will fail X times. If you die, a vote will be held to determine the next king.

Wrath of God (Day) - Convert a player into a random one of Geyde’s classes on the Grand Idea thread. (X Uses, 1 day cooldown)
The Drunk Epidemic (Day) - Give a player a post restriction of your choice. They will be immune to conversion and death as long as they don’t break it. (2 Uses)

ROAD ROLLER (Night) - Kill target player, bypassing immunities if they have an anime PFP. (X Uses)
Master Plan! (Night) - Select a button. (Infinite Uses, every choice is one-shot)

(This is a dreaming god ripoff, so GMs decide what the choices are and what they do for spoiler reasons. In addition, the effects of these will be silent to all players)

Defeat all classes that Geyde has not created, inspired, or adopted into the thread via posting them.

Crowned from all Forum classes and can be the starting king.


dog dancing we no speak americano

The next class you roll will be named exactly this.
This does not fill an ingame class slot.

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The Admiral Captain :crown:

Navy Special
Leader of the Crew (Passive) - There must always be a captain. If you are killed, a new captain must be voted for the following day.
My Word is Law (Passive) - Your votes to accuse players passively count as 2.
Plunder yer Booty (Day) - Grant a player treasure. This grants them one use in all limited abilities or their plunder ability if they have one. Cannot be used on the same player twice. - Unlimited Uses, 1 Day Cooldown.
Coup de Grace (Day) - Reset all votes. Only you and target player may be voted today, the day phase will be ended in 24 hours upon use of this. - 1 use.
Keep Watch (Night) - Protect a player, making them immune to attacks tonight. - 3 Uses.
Royal Files (Night) - Determine the target’s faction. If your target is a member of the Navy, Plunder yer Booty will come off cooldown. - 4 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any Neutrals that oppose you.


The Commander :crossed_swords: :shield:

Navy Special
Leadership (Passive) - You are immune to occupation, redirection and death at night. If you die, a vote will be held by other members of the Navy to elect a new Commander.
Sponsorship (Passive) - If any member of the Navy receives a plunder ability from anyone but the Officer, you may select a second member of the Navy to also receive their plunder ability.
Step Down (Day) - If you are the only living Navy member, you may become the Officer at the start of tonight. - Infinite uses
Royal Pardon (Night) - Target a player, you will pardon them of their piracy crimes, converting them to the Navy. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player - Infinite uses, 1 day cooldown.
Proceeds of Crime (Night) - Target a member of the Navy, if they have already used their plunder ability this game, they may use it again, if they receive another one. - 3 uses (shared), can target self
Mandate of the King (Plunder) - Convert a player to the navy, regardless of the cooldown on Royal Pardon , and gain a use of all your other abilities. You may also select another member of the Navy to receive their plunder ability.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


The Officer :crossed_swords: :shield:

Navy Offensive
High Rank (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection.
Cannon Shot (Day) - The next person to use a day ability today will be occupied tonight. - 3 uses (shared)
Royalty Funding (Day) - Give target Navy member a plunder ability, Sponsorship does not affect this ability. - 2 uses (shared)
Intervention (Night) - Target a player, if someone tries to give them a plunder tomorrow, the plunder giver will be redirected to you, bypassing redirection immunity. - 2 uses
Arrest (Night) - Occupy a player, preventing their night action from working tonight. - 3 uses
Flintlock (Plunder) - Kill a player, bypassing healing. This plunder ability can be used again if you gain another plunder.
Your objective is to defeat the Green Kraken and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Green Kraken Social

Innocent child but must replace all uses of commit with kermit

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Scorned with Joker as a target if they are in game.

Must constantly tell people to go to bed

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Neutral Support

Weak (Passive) - If you visit a member of any scum faction, you will die.

Pants on Fire (Day) - Redirect all day abilities from your target back onto themselves. (1 Use)

Facemask (Night) - Make target player immune to conversion for the night. (3 Uses)
’Guard’ (Night) - Redirect all visits from yourself to the target, bypassing redirection immunity. Does not count as a visit. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat the scum faction.


Danved :shield: :crossed_swords:
Blue Dragon Killer

Fights like Ten Men (Passive) - Immune to death 9 times.

Wishblade (Day) - Kill a player silently. If you kill a good guy, lose all remaining uses. (3 Uses)
Who’s Devdan? (Day) - Be Devdan. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Devdan :crossed_swords: :shield:
Blue Dragon Killer

Fights like Ten Men (Passive) - Immune to death 9 times. This count is separate from Danved as they are obviously not the same person.

Pitfalls (Day) - Prevent all visits to and from the target for the current cycle. (Infinite Uses)

Impale (Night) - Kill the player you targeted with Pitfall. This will bypass immunities and be guaranteed. If you kill a good guy, lose all uses of this ability. (3 Uses)
Who’s Danved? (Night) - Be Danved. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat the scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Match Maker :heart:

Neutral Social

Tragic Love (Passive) - If a couple is alive, any attack directed at you will instead be redirected to one of the lover.
Deeply in Love with Love (Passive) - You are immune to any form on occupation, redirection, and conversion. Poison and bleeding takes one extra day to kill you.

Love Booth (Day) - Invite a couple into a neighbourhood chat for the night with you. They will not be able to do anything tonight. (Infinite use)

Love Darlings (Night) - Turn two people into a couple. If they are of different alignment, their goal will change into survive until both major factions ceased to exist. (Infinite uses, 2 nights cooldown)
Romantic Dinner (Night) - Tonight, any actions directed to you or any couple will fail. (3 uses)

Ensure at least one couple survive until the end


Table Flipper
Mafia Support

Ceaseless Rage (Passive) - Cannot be redirected off of your intended target. Any player who attempts to redirect you will die. You may use AtE freely.

Flip the Table (Day) - If a player is modconfirmed as BD, kill them. (1 Use)
Jerry Rig (Day) - Target player will believe they are doused in gas at the end of tonight. If they die during the night, their flip and logs will be cleaned. (2 Uses)

Cause Chaos (Night) - Occupy all players who attempt to visit target player or yourself. (Infinite Uses)
Hidden Pistol (Night) - Kill a player. (1 Use)

Defeat all who stand in your way of domination.

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The Don :crown: :shield:
Mafia Special

Criminal Mastermind (Passive) - Your vote counts as two. At the beginning of the game, you are informed of how many Mafia members are present. If you die, a vote will be held to decide the next king.
Private Contact (Passive) - If you target a member of the Mafia with your abilities, you will be added to their private chat.

Sleep with the Fishes (Day) - Decide the fate of a player currently on trial. (1 Use)

Hired Protection (Night) - Grant a player immunity to death for the night. (3 Uses)
Dispose of Evidence (Night) - Make target player appear as not suspicious to investigative abilities. They will be protected from all day abilities that target them. (Infinite Uses)

Defeat all who stand in your way of domination.

Crowned from all Mafia members

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Mafia Investigative

Information Broker (Passive) - You will the class type of any player who visits you, but they will gain a single use in all limited abilities.
Sharp Eye (Passive) - Your investigative results are always correct.

Ransack (Day) - Search a player’s room in order to gain a clue to their class type. (Infinite Uses)

Interrogate (Night) - Learn a player’s class. (Infinite Uses)
Watch Over (Night) - See who a player visits and who visits them. (2 Uses)

Defeat all who stand in your way of domination.

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Mafia Offensive

Tough (Passive) - Immune to death while visiting a member of the mafia. In addition, you are immune to occupation and redirection.

Glare (Day) - Prevent a player from voting or using abilities today. They will not be notified. (2 Uses)

Cripple (Night) - Occupy a player. When targeting a player for the third time, instead kill them bypassing immunities. (Infinite Uses)
Stand Guard (Night) - Prevent all visits to target player, alongside killing any players that attempted to attack them. (3 Uses)

Defeat all who stand in your way of domination.

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