Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

Blue Dragon Special
Jack of all Trades but on unique Steroids

Has a 1-shot version of every unique BD’s (only from FoL Class Cards) day and night actions.

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Cult Special
Jack of all Trades but on SACRIFICE

Has a 1-shot version of every non-unique Cult’s (only from FoL Class Cards) day and night actions.

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Unseen Special
Jack of all Trades but NOT BROKEN AT ALL

Has a 1-shot version of every non-unique Unseen’s day and night actions.

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Neutral Special
Jack of all Trades but on FILTH

Has a 1-shot version of every non-unique Neutral’s (only from FoL Class Cards) day and night actions.

Objective is to eliminate all players from non-vanilla factions

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Neutral Gladiator
Just has a inf use day ability that gladiates people and cannot be disabled or redirected, it can however be broken if mechanics deem it possible.

They must live to see themselves go into a night phase having gladiated 3 times

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Neutral Lich Special
Jack of all Undead

Same as 1860 but also has passives from The Lich class in FoL

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1593 Insomniac Prince

  • Prince but jails everyone each night.



Mafia Social

Traitor (Passive) - You appear as Blue Dragon to investigative abilities. You do not start in the scum chat until they attack you or you are the only scum alive. If you are attacked by the Mafia you will not die.

Execute (Night) - All non-Mafia players will not be able to visit the target. The factional kill will bypass everything on the target.

Defeat the Blue Dragon, any other good factions, and the Neutral Killer.


Headhunter from Hand of Byzantium. Target can only be Blue Dragon.

Cult Leader
Mayor who is very intelligent, fan of traditional media and charismatic.

Defacto Leader
Cult leader but Neutral and no team. Can only convert Unseen and Cult.

Cult Leader Cult Leader Leader Cult Leader
Cult Leader who is very intelligent, fan of traditional media and charismatic and guides other individuals of similar characteristics.


Radical Sheriff
Town-Aligned Sheriff with the wincon to defeat the Unseen at any cost.

1600 the bitch
The player that rolls this card is able to become the class of any dead player.

The Sniper
X Killer
Mod picks which uninformed majority esque faction this class belongs to and they have the same wincon as that faction

1-shot Day Vigilante


The Bomber

Town Killer
Sarcifice (Day Ability) - You will kill someone in broad daylight with nothing that can stop it also killing you. - 1 use.
You win with the uninformed majority faction


Chieftain :shield: :fire:

Clan Special

Outsider (Passive) - You and all members of the clan will appear as suspicious to investigative abilities. Whenever a Clan player is lynched all BD aligned players will gain one use in any limited use abilities.
Leader (Passive) - You will always spawn with two other members of the clan. They have no abilities but one will become the new chief if you die. You will have a private chat and a factional kill on even nights.

Brawl (Day) - Prevent day abilities from targeting yourself for the rest of the day. You will gladiate the target. - 2 Uses
Bless (Day) - Give a target member of your clan a one-shot version of any ability of non-unique BD on the FoL Class Cards Thread. - 3 Uses

Exile (Night) - Target player will be occupied and immune to death for the night. If they are bleeding cure it. - Infinite Uses
Ritual (Night) - Make all members of the clan appear as not suspicious to investigative abilities for the night. - 2 Uses

Defeat the Cult, Town, Mafia, and any Neutrals that stand in your way.



“My business, my rules.”
You are Ashe, the Cult (Deadlock Gang) Leader !

Follow my lead. (Passive) - At any point before the start of the first night, you may message the GM and choose the Deadlock Gang alts that the Deadlock Gang class that spawned with you will receive, based on a non-unique class they can be converted from. If you do not choose the Deadlock Gang alts, they will receive a random valid set.
Just gettin’ started. (Passive) - You are immune to death at night until you successfully convert a player, where upon this passive is disabled.
The Viper (Aimed) (Day) - If the target player dies tonight, they will appear as a class of your choice. - 3 uses
The Viper (Rifle) (Day) - Kill a Deadlock Gang player and a non-Deadlock Gang player. The first use of this will not kill the Deadlock Gang player. - Infinite uses
B.O.B. (Day) - Once during the Lynch Phase, you may say “ B.O.B! Do somethin’! ” and quote three posts. If there aren’t any Overwatch (excluding you) players alive, B.O.B. has 60% chance of killing each one of the three. If there is an Overwatch player alive, they will die instead. - 1 use.
Coach Gun (Night) - Change target player into the Deadlock Gang version of their class. Literally a COACH gun! (however you still can’t give speeches on self-growth) If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Fire in the hole! (Night) - Throw a dynamite at a player, very fucking loud and oh god, she didn’t even shoot to detonate it. Your teammate just stood in this flashing thing on the ground on purpose. They will burn and die in two nights if not healed. - 3 uses (shared)
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon, the Green Kraken, the other scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Togwaggle :shield:

Unseen Special

Magic Candle (Passive) - The promotion system allows all members of the Unseen to keep their prior abilities when promoting. Abilities from Assassin may not be kept when promoting to Mastermind. This effect persists even after you die.

Wondrous Wand (Day) - Imprison the target player. They will be removed from any private chats they have until you die. - 1 Use
Zarog’s Crown (Day) - Kill the target player provided that 25% of alive players are voting them. - 1 Use

Tolin’s Goblet (Night) - Vanillarize a player. Any non-converting and non-killing abilities, alongside any passives will be permanently disabled. - 1 Use
Golden Kobold (Night) - Replace all of your abilities with random abilities from the GI Thread. These may not be converting abilities. - 1 Use

Defeat all who stand in your faction’s way.

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Massive Chalice

When this slot is rolled, two players become the Chalice.
It is announced publicly the Chalice is in the game, and who are the Chalice.
They lose their previous factions and alliances.

The chalice is always sided with the king, and if one player from the chalice dies, they shall die fliplessly and will ressurect in the start of the next day if the other part of the chalice does not die at the same cycle.

Destroying the Chalice will make all BD players lose all passives.