Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

Post 1628

Pogo Hopper

Neutral Offensive

1 mana 1/1 (Passive) - After 1 night, you will die. If you are lynched, you will be vanillaised.
Rogue Spells (Passive) - You control what you flip as each night. You must use a day ability every day to keep up with tempo.

Hopping Engaged (Day) - Roleblock a player if they are alligned with the majority faction. - Infinite uses
Togwaggle’s Scheme (Day) - Shuffle 1 copy of a player’s classcard into your deck, then show a minority faction of your choice your deck. (Upgrades each day!) - Infinite uses.

Battlecry (Night) - Come back to life. All numbers in your first passive are increased by 1 - Infinite uses
boing boing (Night) - Do nothing. This ability becomes the infinite use ability of whatever class you flipped as last - Infinite uses
You win if you manage to come back to life 3 times OR if you live to see the Blue Dragon fall.

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Post 1629


Unknown Support

Morally Ambiguous Flora (Passive) - Your goal is 60/30 between You win when the minority is defeated or You win when the majority is defeated.
Stumped (Passive) - If you would die, you will instead lose your vote and be revealed as a tree. Yes, you do still have to post. Have fun with that.

Arboricide (Day) - Kill yourself. Not reccomended. - 1 use.

Forestry (Night) - Give a player the Stumped passive in addition to their regular passive. - Infinite uses.
Your goal is the one dictated by your first passive.

Post 1630


Unknown Support

Morally Ambiguous Flora (Passive) - Your goal is 60/30 between You win when the minority is defeated or You win when the majority is defeated.
Stumped (Passive) - If you would die, you will instead lose your vote and be revealed as a tree. Yes, you do still have to post. Have fun with that.

Arboricide (Day) - Kill yourself. Not reccomended. - 1 use.

Forestry (Night) - Give a player the Stumped passive in addition to their regular passive. - Infinite uses.
Your goal is the one dictated by your first passive.

Poat 1631


Unknown Support

Morally Ambiguous Flora (Passive) - Your goal is 60/30 between You win when the minority is defeated or You win when the majority is defeated.
Stumped (Passive) - If you would die, you will instead lose your vote and be revealed as a tree. Yes, you do still have to post. Have fun with that.

Arboricide (Day) - Kill yourself. Not reccomended. - 1 use.

Forestry (Night) - Give a player the Stumped passive in addition to their regular passive. - Infinite uses.
Your goal is the one dictated by your first passive.

Post 1632

Zerek, Master Cloner

Blue Dragon Social

Death is irrelevant (Passive) - While you are in the game, all duplicate classes will have a neighbourhood chat with their duplicate due to the cameraderie gained form being born in your lab.

At last… Immortaility! (Passive) - If you would die by any means, you will instead live and gain the class of the first Blue Dragon to die this game.

Master Cloner (Night) - Learn if your target has the same class name as another class that once was or is in the game. - Infinite uses.
You win when all threats to the Blue Dragon have been eliminated.

Zerek, Master Cloner But Some Bastard Didn’t Cast Any Buffs On Him

Unseen Social

Death is Relevant (Passive) - While you are in the game, all duplicate classes will have a neighbourhood chat with their duplicate due to the cameraderie gained form being born in your lab.

Master Cloner (Night) - Learn if your target has the same class name as another class that once was or is in the game. - Infinite uses.
Cloning Lab (Night) - Transform a player from another faction into a random dead role from their faction. - 1 use.

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Obey The Rules, Icibalus

Named Paladin

Poat 1634

Tree stump is an important class! How dare you insinuate that it dosen’t deserve to be multiposted any less than any other class, huh? Honestly, I wish to register a complaint about your conduct and the conduct of people who don’t like treestump in general! Back in my day, young man, you could multipost trestumpiser as much as you want, but now apparently that’s not good anymore! People are too soft nowadays, my boy. If good ol’ Reginald ‘The Fingers’ Johnson was still alive, why, I think he’d give you a right kicking!

named Sheriff who always finds any class with a name more than 2 words long guilty



Wourt Cizard

Named Court Wizard that must include a spoonerism in every sentence they post. Failure to do so three times will result in a modkill.


Holden Cross

"These warriors don’t have to die!"
You are Holden Cross, the Blue Dragon Killer!

It doesn’t have to be like this!(Passive)- Since your offer of peace is somehow effective at first glance, you are immune to death once.
Daubeny show yourself!(Passive)- Your constant search for Daubeny triumphs over all. You are immune to occupation and redirection when doing a no action, and the night after using Trial by combat, right now!
Trial by combat, right now!(Day)- Gladiate a player, causing only you 2 to be voteable for the rest of the day. 1 Use. Uses get carried over when you are converted. Cannot regain this ability after usage.
Break it down!(Night) - Make your target lose death immunity for the next night. 2 Uses.
Then fight my second(Night)- Target 2 players. the 1st will be forced to attack the second, and both will be uninformed of this usage. Infinite Uses.
Your objective is to defeat any scum factions and any neutrals that stand in your way.
Converts into Hervis Daubeny

Hervis Daubeny

“What? Fight you?”
You are Hervis Daubeny, the Unseen Offensive!

Keep them off the walls(Passive)- Archers and soldiers defend you after hard work. You are immune to occupation and redirection at night when your That’s an execution target gets healed, and the night after using That’s not a trial.
That’s not a trial(Day)- Gladiate a player, causing only you 2 to be voteable for the rest of the day. 1 Use. Uses get carried over from your previous class.
That’s an execution(Day)- Make a player believe they were bleeding. with them showing they were healed the 2nd night. If a healer attempts to heal them the first night, it will show it as a successful heal, and the effect will be removed. 3 Uses.
You! You will be my second(Night)- All Killing abilities targeted at you will be redirected to the target player. 2 Uses.
Defend the walls(Night)- Occupy visitors of the target player. 2 Uses.
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
Converted from Holden Cross

1637 - Hervis Daubeny

???* Special
Jack of all Trades but on ‘Why even bother at this point’
Has a 1-shot version of every other class present at the start of the game, as well as those from the fol class cards, multiple copies of a single ability instead stack into one n-shot ability, assuming they have the same name and alignment/win condition of the original owner
The alignment/win condition is determined by that of the player/class the ability was gained from, for the most recently used ability

* “??? special” does not refer to “random special”


The Gambler

Neutral Special Offensive Lottery Miller
I’m Feeling Lucky! (Passive) - All Abilities you use have a 25% chance to fail. All Abilities used onto you have a 25% chance to fail. You are able to use each ability once per day. (You can use more than 1 ability per day, but only once, no matter if it fails or not.)

What’s Life without Danger? (Passive) - You come up as a Scum Killer to any Investigators.

Cursed Die (Day) - Host will roll a 1d20 in the thread. If host rolls a 10 or higher, today’s lynch will bleed a random player as well. If the die roll succeeds, refund this ability. - 2 uses

Inquisitive Die (Day) - Select a Player. If the player has a post restriction, bleeding or poisoned, the host will roll a 1d20 in the main thread. If the host rolls a 14 and below, this ability use is refunded. If the host rolls an 15 and above, the lynch will have its first voter lynched as well. - 1 use

Roll a One (Night) - Roll a 1d10 in your DM. If you roll a 1, all other abilities will fail. If the effect does not get activated due to the failed die roll, the use is refunded. - 1 Use.

Roll a Ten (Night) - Select a Player. Roll a 1d10 in your DM. If you roll a 10, you and that player will be protected from all abilities for the following day and night. - 3 Uses (Does not save from attacks tonight).

You are to use up all abilities by the end of your life.

The host will roll a die in the main thread, stating this statement.
The Die has been cast.

If an ability fails on you, the person initiating the ability will not be notified that it has failed. If you fail your ability because of your passive or any other circumstances, you will be notified…

You weren’t feeling lucky enough. Therefore you did not attempt to roll the die.

Upon using up all your abilities, the host will announce: The Gambler laughs in mockery. For they have already won. (Player Name) leaves behind his legacy. And you will flip as a Gambler.

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Werewolf Infinite-Shot Day Fruit Vendor

You may post in thread as many times as you would like Throw at to have the mod throw specified fruit at the player you chose.

Vanilla (alignment up to mod’s discretion)


Memesky :crown:

Neutral Special

No U (Passive) - All players that target you with abilities (even things like butler poison) will instead target themselves, bypassing immunities.
Memesky Carry (Passive) - If you are lynched you will kill one of your accusers (your choice), and decide a chosen player as the new king. If you somehow die at night or are modkilled, all players will be forced to use no punctuation or capitalization the following day.

Despacito (Day) - Same as Grand Trial but pardoning lynches and vice versa. - 1 Use

Yeet (Night) - Make all players think they were redirected. Must be used every night. - Infinite Uses

You win if the game devolves into chaos.

Cutoff for SFoL 50 classes is here

What’s the range between sfol50 classes?


Any specific classes not allowed?

see the thread.

Non-vanilla BD
Your kinks may scare some, but you are still a good person inside.