Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Just Desserts
Unknown Karma
if the player does not get a choice between 2 or more classes for this game, then roll an additional class and give the player a choice between this class
before they choose a class this class will appear to them as whatever class the host believes will be most appealing to that player, that both exists within the class thread and otherwise fits the constraints of the choice for this particular game.
After the player chooses a class this classes true name/number shall be revealed to the player and, if the player chose this one, the host shall design a classcard befitting the player that got it of roughly the same overall complexity (not necessarily power level :smiling_imp:) of either the other class/es in the choice or the player above this one in the player list.

Re roll this slot, then roll an additional time and present all of these rolled cards to the player.

  • stacks additively (if there was only 1 choice, present 2 choices, if there were already 2 choices, present 3 choices, etc.)
  • including restrictions already present (consistent alignment, classtype, powerlevel, etc.)

Whats the Win Condition on this?
named Sheriff

Re roll this slot, then roll an additional time and present all rolled cards to the player

  • stacks additively (if there was only 1 choice, present 2 choices, if there were already 2 choices, present 3 choices, etc.)
  • NOT including previous restrictions already present (any class, even if others need consistent alignment, classtype, power level, etc. if this offshoot splits further, then both splits will count as having no preexisting restrictions.)

Re roll this slot, then roll an additional time and present all rolled cards to the player

  • stacks additively (if there was only 1 choice, present 2 choices, if there were already 2 choices, present 3 choices, etc.)
  • NOT including previous restrictions already present (any class, even if others need consistent alignment, classtype, power level, etc. if this offshoot splits further, then both splits will count as having no preexisting restrictions.)
  • this roll and the split roll must have the same class type. does not affect previous spilts in this slot, does affect future splits of this part of the slot

Re roll this slot, then roll an additional time and present all rolled cards to the player

  • stacks additively (if there was only 1 choice, present 2 choices, if there were already 2 choices, present 3 choices, etc.)

  • NOT including previous restrictions already present (any class, even if others need consistent alignment, classtype, power level, etc. if this offshoot splits further, then both splits will count as having no preexisting restrictions.)

  • this roll and the split roll must NOT have the same rough complexity. does not affect previous spilts in this slot, does affect future splits of this part of the slot (only between different sides of this split. future splits in either side would have similar complexities as each other, but different from the one/s on the other side of this split)

I forget what its called, but @fireslol are all of those classes, or at least the pictures, from that one flash game thats like stick figure war or something? cause those things take me back, man


image Mordekaiser :fire::shield::crossed_swords:
Neutral Killer
Destiny, Domination, Deceit

Indestructible (Passive): You are a Revenant reborn into a Suit of Iron. You are immune to Occupation/Redirection, Death, and Bleeding
Realm of Death (Day): You will bring your target into your Death realm. You ignore Death immunity and anyone visting your target will be prevented, and your target will be prevented from visiting anybody else except for you. If you kill your target at night, the next day, you can take one ability or passive from your deceased target, with limited use. 2 Uses
Death`s Grasp (Night) You Pull your target towards you with your spectral hand, Redirecting them towards you and attacking them. 2 Uses
Obliterate (Night) You Smash down your mace upon your target, attacking them and up to one other person if they visit your target. (If in the death realm, it will only attack your target. If multiple people visit your target, the person who submitted their action first will be attacked.) Infinite Use
You must kill anyone standing in your path to Domination (Regular NK wincon)


Find Mercenary somewhere.
She is now forced to join this game.
Reroll this slot.



The Assassin

Named Knight

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A Prince allied with Primary antagonist faction. Has full Prince powers. Cannot spawn with BD prince. 1 execution.

Why did you reply to me.

Gay Prince - Prince, but must have a homoerotic reference in each of their posts or they will be modkilled. If the jailed target is of the same gender then they will have to post flirtatious and suggestive comments in their communication with their jailed target. If a LGBT player rolls this class then they will also be granted a free dayvig.


Lesbian Princess - Princess, but can only flirt female players.


REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEaper - Reaper, but instead of Icy Touch they have the 1337 Touch, which costs no souls. Using 1337 Touch will permanently give a player a post restriction where they must speak in 1337speak during the entire match.


Daytime Knight - Same as normal Knight, except Cold Steel becomes a day ability.

Daytime Assassin - Same as normal Assassin, except Distract is now an occupy, Hidden Blade bleeds the player overnight, and Assassinate and 2-for-1 are both Day Abilities.

Daytime Cult Leader - Same as normal Cult Leader, except Blood of Mithras and Brainwash are day abilities while Disguise and Rupture are night abilities.


Daytime Nightwatch - Same as Nightwatch, but it suicides if it exists as it failed at it’s job.

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The Mute King :crown:

Charming without words (Passive) - At no point in the game, even after death, are you allowed to speak. However, you cannot be the target for death or treason for the first 3 days. All attempts will redirect them to themselves and any votes will stick onto the voter for the day.
Pass the Muted torch (Passive) - Upon your death, unless you have specified someone to become your next of kin to the crown, an election to determine a new king will be held. They will automatically become The Mute King, but alligned with their faction.
Quiet Tenacity (Passive) Occupy, Redirect, and Silence immune. Your vote for execution will always count for 2.
Silent Trial (Day) - Rescind all votes (except sticky votes), then the court can only vote for either you or the accused. There will be no talking during this trial, any anyone who violates this will be modkilled. 1 use
Shadow Guards (Night) - Choose a player. They will be death immune tonight. Can target yourself. 3 uses, only consumed if the player was attacked
Your goal is to survive to the end of the game, or see one of your heirs survive.


The Hero :shield:

Blue Dragon Offensive
Mojo (Passive)- You are immune to death at night by non-BD. This bypasses all attacks, even death-bypassing attacks.
Heroic Move (Day)- Bond two players. If both players are of the same alignment, they will both become conversion immune and share a private neighbourhood for the rest of the game. If they are not of the same alignment, they will share a private neighbourhood for the rest of the game. Can not select yourself - 1 use.
The Best Defence (Night)- Select a player. All visits to them by non-BD — Unless an attack — will be prevented - Infinite Uses.
Is a Good Offence (Night)- Select a player, dealing an attack that will go through all defences and healing — excluding Princes Jail. If you kill a Blue Dragon, you will commit suicide at the end of the following night - Infinite Uses.
Goal - (whatever BD goal is)