Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version

So they don’t know they’re dead?


Headless Horseman

Neutral Special

The Haunt (Passive) - Can only spawn in games during October or during major holidays. The first time you would die by any means, instead lose your head (your targets are chosen randomly for the rest of the game). If aligned to yourself, you will have passive death immunity.
Thrilling Tremors (Passive) - Every night, you may choose to grant two players presents: one player a trick, and another a treat. When used by the respective player, the trick will kill the player using it, and the treat will give the player a 1-shot BP. You must talk in rhymes.

Fate’s Wheel (Day) - Kill a player. This effect may count during the day or night depending on your choice. Only usable when aligned with yourself. - Infinite Uses

Stampede (Night) - Occupy a player alongside protecting them from night kills. - 3 Uses
Scythe Slash (Night) - Cleave a player’s abilities away until they use one of your presents. - Infinite Uses

Make sure the Blue Dragon wins.
Make sure the Blue Dragon loses.
Defeat all members of both main factions.


Check the birthday thread.

If someone has a birthday today, they automticaly win. Even if not in the gam

Reroll this slot.


Town Parity Cop

Converts into respective scum parity cop


Town Even Dayvig

Converts as if it were Knight originally



Neutral Offensive

Weed (Passive) - All investigative results will yield incorrect results. Otherwise, this role is the same as The Fifth Ammendment.


ÖwÖ, named vanilla townies who must use furry pfp.


Everyone’s wincon is now to kill everyone else and be a survivor out of 3 others. Minor factions do not have a chat. In the main thread, announce that Slot 1804 has rolled. Reroll this slot.

If 1804 rolls, give the dead power to talk in the main thread. They will not vote.
Reroll this slot.


One random player is immediately killed when the game starts. Only the dead may vote on who to kill. Reroll this slot.

@Magnus Number your role 1805 reee


Mary Sue

Neutral Special

The Main Character (Passive) - Your are immune to death, occupation and redirection. No one can disrupt your plans.
Background Setting (Passive) - At the start of the game, determine your win condition and your quest item. Your win condition must be unable to side with both majority and minority faction.

Deus ex Machina (Day) - If you are going to be executed, switch your position with another person. - 1 Use

Moving the Plot (Night) - You have a quest item. You can do anything with it. - Infinite uses.
Plot Development (Night) - Pick a player. His class will face a development up to the host’s discretion. The name of his class and abilities before and after the development will be revealed to you. - Infinite Uses

Win Condition:
Finish your story.


Gary Stu

Neutral Special

The Main Character (Passive) - Your are immune to death, occupation and redirection. No one can disrupt your plans.
Background Setting (Passive) - At the start of the game, determine your win condition and your quest item. Your win condition must be unable to side with both majority and minority faction.

Deus ex Machina (Day) - If you are going to be executed, switch your position with another person. - 1 Use

Moving the Plot (Night) - You have a quest item. You can do anything with it. - Infinite uses.
Plot Development (Night) - Pick a player. His class will face a development up to the host’s discretion. The name of his class and abilities before and after the development will be revealed to you. - Infinite Uses

Win Condition:
Finish your story.


Chosen by the Chalice :crown:

Blue Dragon Social
Hold the Torch (Passive) - You are death immune. Should you die, no one can become the king anymore.
Present King (Passive) - Due to your constant travels around the kingdom, you can’t vote and don’t count towards majority. However, you are revealed to be aligned with the Blue Dragon when you gain this class.
Voice of the People (Day) - Your target’s vote will count by two for the remaining of the game - 1 use.
Research (Night) - If you use Research two nights in a row, the host may present you three dreaming god-esque research results, from which you can pick one. - Infinite uses.
Head of Battlefield (Night) - Rally your allies to an inspiring cry. Choose a target. They will be protected against death tonight, and you will know all day abilities targeting them tomorrow. - 3 uses.
Defeat all scum factions and any neutrals that seek to harm you.



Disregarded by the Chalice :crown:

Evil Social
Poison the Torch (Passive) - You are death immune. Should you die, your successors will become bled, bypassing any immunity. They cannot be healed from this.
Present King (Passive) - Due to your constant travels around the kingdom, you can’t vote and don’t count towards majority. However, you are falsely revealed to be aligned with the Blue Dragon when you gain this class. Only the faction that you are truly aligned with will know you are Evil
Voice of MY People (Day) - Your target’s vote will count by two for the remaining of the game. If they are an ally, it will secretly count as 4. - 1 use.
Allies Unknown (Night) - Choose a player. You will know if they are allied with you. This is affected by frames and tailors. - Infinite uses.
Head of Failure (Night) - Rally your allies to a false cry. Choose a target. They will be guaranteed to die, and you will know all day abilities targeting them tomorrow. - 3 uses.
Defeat the Blue Dragon, any other scum factions, and any neutrals that seek to harm you.


The Queen :crown:

Unknown Special
Queenly Deeds (Passive) - No Kings can spawn this game. Only Queens. Should you die, an election to find the next QUEEN will be held.
Female Tenacity (Passive) - Occupy and Redirect immune. Your vote cancels out anothers vote if you so choose.
Royal Protection (Day) - Target player cannot be voted for today. (2 uses)
Scandal (Day, Evil Queen Only) - Target player dies immediately. (Inf use)
Reverse Trials (Night, Evil Queen Only) - Whoever has the least votes tomorrow will be lynched, besides yourself. Randomly choose if there are more than 1 (1 use)
Royal Paper Writeup (Night, Starting Good Queen Only) - Target player gains the Royal Blood Passive. (1 use)
UnsafeGuard (Night, Psycho Queen Only) - Attack target player. Your Guards will die in your place. (Inf use)
Very SafeGuard (Night, Neutral Queen Only) - Hire Guards to protect you tonight, giving you Death Immunity. Should you die while using this, your attacker will be revealed in the main thread. (3 uses)

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Any slots that are not classes but instead apply changes to the set-up, mechanics, etc. without informing players will now be announced to be present at the start of the game. Reroll this slot.


All rolls are now the square root of themselves instead, rounded down.
Reroll this slot.


All rolls are now the square of themselves instead. In the event that this results in a roll in excess of the maximum, that roll is instead the square modulus the maximum roll in the thread, plus one. Reroll this slot.


The next three rolls force the rolled classes’ alignment and win condition to be that of normal BD roles, regardless of the original alignment / wincon

Reroll this slot


All rolls that require the host to do math are instead replaced with instances of slot 1754, and do not take effect. Instead of rerolling this slot, add an instance of slot 1755.