Grand Idea FoL - Ashe's Version


Totally good class

482 but change any mention of hjasik with a player in the game that can’t be hjasik

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Hubert Rejk

Vatican Special
Concerned Citizen (Passive) - You appear as “It’s time to stop” (212) to all investigative checks made unto you.
Katakan’s Shadow (Passive) - While you are alive, no flips are revealed to the town, only alignments. When you die, all class types will be revealed.
Vilmerius Physician (Night) - Remove all bad statuses (burning, poisoning, marking of any kind, blackmailing, etc - framing, roleblocking, feedback-changing and conversion not included) from a player. - Infinite uses.
Novigrad Coroner (Night) - Select a dead player. You will learn their full role. - Infinite uses.



Item#: SCP-106
Neutral Killer


SCP-106 appears to be an elderly humanoid, with a general appearance of advanced decomposition. This appearance may vary, but the “rotting” quality is observed in all forms. SCP-106 is not exceptionally agile, and will remain motionless for days at a time, waiting for prey. SCP-106 is also capable of scaling any vertical surface and can remain suspended upside down indefinitely. When attacking, SCP-106 will attempt to incapacitate prey by damaging major organs, muscle groups, or tendons, then pull disabled prey into its pocket dimension. SCP-106 appears to prefer human prey items in the 10-25 years of age bracket.

Abnormality (Passive) - You are completely immune to death from all sources other than a lynch. This includes strongman kills and Execute. All investigative abilities will peek you as a class of your choice. Any player visiting you or your target will be silently poisoned.

Depravity (Day) - Your kill tonight will not kill the target immediately. They will not be able to vote tomorrow or use abilities the following day, and will not count toward majority. - 2 Uses

Consume (Night) - Kill by bringing them into your pocket dimension. This kill cannot be stopped by any means. - Infinite Uses

You win when all major factions have been defeated.


How to revive a good thread

Blue Dragon Social
Necrobumper (Passive) - You have to make at least 300 posts per day.
Reavival (Passive) - No actions work on you. Instead, you will absorb those abilities and gain them as one-shot.

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The Mercception

Neutral Support
Not a Merc(passive)
@Mercenary cannot roll this
Offer Contract (Day) - You may offer to form a contract with another player during the day.If they accept they become The Mercception-1 use,refunded if you target a Mercception,cannot target @ Mercenary
Stand Guard (Night) - Protect your target from visits, and grant yourself immunity to death tonight- 4 uses
Rebound (Night) - Kill a player who accused a Mercception or @ Mercenary of treason earlier in the day. - 2 uses
Your objective is to survive to see all living players as
The Mercceptionn or to see @ Mercenary win the Game at all cost

It doesn’t prevent,it’s the same class with a different target

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Its different class since My class has concrete target And not X meaning Its a different class


Nitro Jailkeeper

Blue Dragon Support
Hardened Piety (Passive) - Your death is delayed by 1 cycle, should you die for whatever reason.
Jail (Night) - Prevent a player from death. Prevent them from using their night action. No one can visit the jailed player.


Post classes in your posts reeeeee

Named fool



The Armorsmith may each night give a player a Bulletproof vest. The vest will protect the target from one kill, and the target will be informed that they received the vest (and also when they lose it). The Armorsmith may not self-target. Can’t target the same person twice.


Role that’s overpowered in turbo but extremely weak in an actual game

Cult Special
ez clap (Passive) - Trials are disabled. This will be announced publicly at the start of the game. All non-cult abilities and non-cult votes are disabled 15 minutes before the end of day and night.

Shotgun (Day) - Shoot a player. If their class card can stop ez clap from affecting them, they will be removed from the game. - 1 Use

Defeat all other main factions and any neutrals that would stand in your way.

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Ascetic Virus

Blue Dragon Support
Ascetic (Passive) - You are immune to all abilities, except kills.
Flesh to Flesh (Night) - Give someone the “Ascetic” passive and this ability. - 1 use, compulsive.
Defeat the scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Safety Procedures

Heal (Night) - Heal a player tonight. If you target someone with killing power, they will lose one use of their killing abilities. If all their killing abilities are infinite uses, they will lose one at random. If they have an ITA, their ITA hitrate is now set to 0. If they have a group or factional kill, they will no longer be elligible to perform this kill. Those steps should be taken in this speciic order.


Btw guys as I hosted all those GI turbos I noticed that we have a lack of both good factions and support roles, if we could have more of them I would be delighted

Named Doctor.


Time to post some good roles

Named VT

Parity cop

Vanilla vanilla


Yes I realize town is neutral and BD is good,we should change town

Named BD citizen



Blue Dragon Support

Strength (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection

Jail (Night) - Occupy a player, but heal and make them conversion immune for the night. - Infinite Uses

Defeat scum faction and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

( @Geyde change your number)

If this slot rolls all good factions become BD
Reroll this slot