Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition



Named Citizen


The Weeb

Neutral Social
Eastern Culture Expert (Passive) - You must reference anime/manga at least ten times a day or you will be modkilled. All references in your posts must be clarified with the host.
Foreign Voice (Day) - Send a message (max. 250 characters) to all players. No one will know who sent it, but it can contain no numbers and all words in it must be in Engrish. (i.e. Sheriff -> Sherifu) (3 uses)
Naruto Run (Night) - Run like the weeb you are. All of your visitors will instead visit themselves. (2 uses)
In-Depth Analysis (Night) - Choose a player. They may choose whether or not to speak with the Weeb. If they do, a new chatroom between you is opened for the night. You can only speak Engrish in this chatroom, and Eastern Culture Expert applies here as well.


The Oathsworn :shield:

Neutral Killer
Vow of Loyalty (Passive) - You know the first King’s alignment.
Murderous Vengeance (Passive) - If the first King dies and their killer doesn’t die until the end of the next day, you become the Vengeful. If the King is executed for treason, you become the Vengeful immediately. If the killer dies, you win the game and cannot use your abilities until it ends.
Royal Plans (Day) - Send a secret message to the King (max. 100 characters). They may secretly respond once (max. 100 characters). They will see you as “The Oathsworn”. (3 uses)
Sharpen the Blade (Day) - Vigil will kill all visitors of the King tonight, bypassing night immunity. (2 uses)
Vigil (Night) - Stand vigilant near the King’s chambers. You will know who visited them.
Slay the Traitor (Night) - Attack a player. You are guaranteed to kill them. If their alignment is the same as the King’s, you will commit suicide. (1 use)
Keep the King alive until the end of the game.

When converted to the Unseen, the Oathsworn becomes the Oathbreaker.

The Oathbreaker :shield:

Unseen Support
New Ties (Passive) - If the Mastermind dies and their killer doesn’t die until the end of the next day, you will commit suicide.
Traitor’s Whispers (Day) - Send a secret message to the King (max. 100 characters). They may secretly respond once (max. 100 characters). They will see you as “The Oathsworn.” (3 uses)
Vigil (Night) - Stand vigilant near the Mastermind’s room. You will prevent everyone from visiting them and know who tried.
Backstab (Night) - The Assassin will bypass the King’s Guards tonight. (1 use)
Unseen victory condition

The Vengeful :shield:

Neutral Killer
Blind Rage (Passive) - Night, occupy and redirection immune.
Sated (Passive) - You cannot kill after you fulfill your objective.
Murderous Intent (Day) - Choose a player to enact vengeance upon tonight. (3 uses)
Vindicate (Night) - Attack a player. If the target was chosen with Murderous Intent, you bypass all their immunities.
No Mercy (Night) - Usable when jailed or otherwise prevented from using night abilities. Attack all your visitors, bypassing healing and night immunity. (2 uses)
See the King’s killer dead.

Note: The Vengeful cannot be converted. If the King was executed for treason, the Vengeful must see everyone who voted to execute them dead.

Note: The Oathsworn does not take up the Neutral Killer slot.

Note: Slay the Traitor’s “guaranteed to kill” effect works exactly like Frenzy, but you use it on yourself.

The Liar :shield:

Neutral Investigative
I Hate Liars! (Passive) - You must never knowingly tell the truth. If you break this rule, you will get modkilled immediately.
Ruining the Fun (Day) - You must be genuine for the entire day. Only usable after you are voted up. Overrides I Hate Liars! and lasts until the end of the day. (1 use)
Hey, Hey! (Night) - Check a player’s class type, alignment, who they visited and who visited them.
It’s A Lie! (Night) - Choose one: Frame a player; or make yourself appear as Blue Dragon tonight; or make someone believe their target was changed into a player of your choice; or make someone believe they were prevented from visiting their target. (4 uses)




Neutral Depression
Depression(Passive)- You are so depress that you everyone that visit you will gain depression.They will not know they are depressed.
Sayo-nara(Day) - You will spread your depression to someone. They will not know they are depressed.(∞)
Hanging-out (Day) You will hang-out, scaring the one who is being accused of treasons, causing a immediate death. (2 uses)
I gently saw the despair(Night) - Making everyone who is depressed suicide the next 24 hrs during the day. They will be notified they are going to died.
Goal: Kill everyone that oppose you and then make the club great again.

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The Prodigy :shield:

Blue Dragon Investigative
Fast Learner (Passive) - After you discover four or more players’ classes with Ingenious Investigation and Planning, Ingenious Investigation’s cooldown will be halved for the rest of the game.
Speak Up (Day) - Secretly accuse a player. Everyone will know that the Prodigy accused a player, but will not know your exact identity. (2 uses)
Ingenious Investigation (Night) - Find out a player’s exact class. (2-night cooldown)
Planning (Night) - Ponder for the night, carefully assessing everyone you meet. You will know the classes that visit you tonight.
BD victory condition.

The Prodigy converts into:

The Genius :shield:

Unseen Investigative
Fast Learner (Passive) - After you discover four or more players’ classes with Ingenious Investigation and Planning, Ingenious Investigation’s cooldown will be halved for the rest of the game.
Speak Up (Day) - Secretly accuse a player. Everyone will know that the Prodigy accused a player, but will not know your exact identity. (2 uses)
Ingenious Investigation (Night) - Find out a player’s exact class. (2-night cooldown)
Planning (Night) - Ponder for the night, carefully assessing everyone you meet. You will know the classes that visit you tonight.
Unseen victory condition.

Note: Fast Learner’s status persists through conversion. This means that if you find three classes as Prodigy and then get converted, you only have to find one more as Genius to reduce your cooldown on Ingenious Investigation.





Druid but must talk backwards



sorry, i started making that before i went to school and finished it after, and i forgot to change the number
simon’s mind
Neutral Unpredictable
Reading is fun, you should try it - on day 2, you cannot speak, and on days a random number of days after the previous one where you cant speak. This cannot be altered by your abilities
I made you! - if Marcus’ spirit uses Im Oringinal! on you, it will have no effect, drain a use, and the both of you will permanently join in a neighborhood until the end of the game, and this cannot be removed by any abilities, even extending until the both of you are dead

Night Abil 1: The Thought Process - Do any action, and the mod/s can artificially give this a cooldown based on the strength of that action. there is one catch to this: It cannot be any action, or anything really close, done by a class on the official Forum Of Lies class list. if you attempt an action that is in that list, this will simply drain a use. - 3 uses
Night abil 2: [I’m cowardly king and] I won’t swap - use this on yourself or any other neutral whose goal at this point does not require the town/blue Dragon/other to lose, and this permanently changes their goal by adding “and see the [town] win” (i.e. survive > live to see 92nd win) - 1 use
Day ability 1: Actually… - use this to point out when somebody is interpreting rules/objective data, and correct them in your role chat. If you are correct it will be publicly revealed, as long as it’s in a way that doesn’t reveal any information that they couldn’t all publicly get (i.e. without any abilities that aren’t provable) - 1 use, works when dead
Day ability 2: half-brained plans - make a (quite detailed) statement to mod. If it is 100% true they will say true. Otherwise, they will tell you false


My Cat

Passive: Meow - Can only Meow.

Day Ability 1: Meow - Meow some more. 1 Use.

Day Ability 2: Meow for food even though you have a full bowl - Receive one extra use of Meow. Infinite Uses.

Night Ability 1: Meow for attention - You Meow at a player in the night getting their attention and roleblocking them. Infinite Uses.

Night Ability 2 : Not fat just big boned - Gain an extra use of Meow for food even though you have a full bowl. Infinite Uses.

Goal: Meow your owner to death.

@Ami Can I post classes here even when Grand Idea is not going to be played, for future Grand Idea games?

yeah if it gets back in the queue they’ll maybe be rnged into the game


Defense Attorney

Neutral Support
Defense Culpability Act (Passive) - You are immune to occupation and if your target is executed for treason, you will be executed as well.
Decisive Evidence (Day) - Your target gets a ‘Not Guilty’ verdict and is pardoned off the stand. They cannot be voted back up today. - 1 Use.
Bluff (Night) - Occupy a player. If they are an investigative role, they will not know they have been occupied and will recieve a ‘Not Suspicious’ result. - Unlimited Uses.
Detention Center Meeting (Night) - You and your target meet to discuss strategy for the following day. Anyone who tries to visit either of you will be prevented. - 2 Uses.
You must prevent your target from being executed for treason at all costs. If your target is killed at night, their killer becomes your new target.


The Countess.
Converted from the Princess.
Bloodthirsty: (Passive) You must feed once every two days, or you will die.
Mist form: (Passive) You are undetectable at night.
Royal Blood: (Passive) You may put yourself worth as Queen as soon as the King dies.
Feed: (Night) You will feed on your target tonight; if successful, said target will be roleblocked and will be unable to use their Abilities the next day due to blood loss. (Unlimited uses. 1-day cooldown.)
Gaze: (Night) Gaze into your target’s mind, learning the class of your target. (Unlimited uses. 1-day cooldown.)

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The Thrall
Converted from the Knight
Bloodthirsty: (Passive) You must feed once every two days, or you will die.
Feed: (Night) You will feed on your target tonight; said target will be roleblocked and will unable to use their night abilities the next day. (Unlimited use - 1-day cooldown.)
Bloodbath:(Night) Guard a member of your Coven with your life, you will kill any and all visitors but will die the following day. (Unlimited Use.)
Bloodlust: (Day) The next time you Feed, you will instead kill your Target. (2 uses.)


Reroll this slot, replace any class that has the word “citizen” or is mechanically identicall to a citizen with an Unwitting Murderer


The Bloodletter
Converted from the Physican
Sated Thirst (Passive) You do not need to feed to ensure you live as you have a vial of blood that you keep with you at all times.
Nightly Exhumes:(Passive) You will immediately who the Killer of the next victim is if not a member of your Coven.
Collect:(Night) You will collect blood from your Target. The next day and night, any night or day abilities the target uses will be random. (Unlimited Uses.)
Feed and Heal: (Night) Select a member of your Coven. Their thirst will be sated for that day and night and they will not need to feed. Furthermore, they will cured of death and bleeding that night.


The Mastermind


The Mastermind