Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition

378- Paladin

379 -

380- Court Wizard

381- Assassin

382- Knight

383- Drunk

384- Fool

385- Knight

386- Drunk , but it kills target player if they try to target him as well.

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The Gambler

Neutral Support
Bet (Day) Guess who will die tonight. If you are succesful , you and them will not die.
Wager (Night) Guess who will be lynched today. If they are , they will become lynchproof.

388 - :b:itizen - A normal Citizen that must have a :b: in every message or they will be modkilled.


389- Knightenary.
Has the abilities of a Knight and Mercenary.
Converts into the
Enforcer of the Sword
Has the abilities of an Enforcer and Sellsword.

(what does this reply to me imply monkaS)

390- Cw with Infinite Uses of each ability.

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391 - Court Wizard renamed to #1 Gamethrowing Class

(donā€™t know)

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(>-> <-<)


The Captain :shield:

Blue Dragon Offensive
Iron Heart (Passive)- Occupation and Redirection Immune.
Command (Night)- Choose a player. They will be forced to do whatever you tell them to , under the hostā€™s discretion.
Stone Up! (Night)- Become death immune tonight and occupy all visitors. 2 uses.
BD Goal.

Converts into:

The Tyrant :shield:

Unseen Offensive
Iron Heart (Passive)- Occupation and Redirection Immune.
Command (Night)- Choose a player. They will be forced to do whatever you tell them to , under the hostā€™s discretion.
Stone Up! (Night)- Become death immune tonight and occupy all visitors. 2 uses.
Unseen Goal.

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393 - Terrible Dad

Terrible Dad

Neutral Offensive

You canā€™t kill dad. (Passive) - Immune to death at night.
THANKS DAD. (Passive) - You will know your childā€™s class at all times.
Leave (Day) - Your child will be prevented from visiting you. - 3 uses
Drink (Night) - Redirect target player to you. - Infinite uses
Funny Dance (Night) Investigative results on target player will be shown as your choosing. - 2 uses
Make sure your childā€™s faction lose. Your child is [x]

Convert immune

I made this as a joke reverse Mercenary


394 - Number 15
if a number with 15 in it anywhere is rolled (eg, 15, 1500, 150, 215 etc.) class will be renamed to Burger King Foot Lettuce. This can only affect one player and it if affects 2 players, RNG which player gets the Burger King Foot Lettuce name.

Reroll this slot after applying the change.

(i am so sorry)

395- Alchemisian
Has the abilities of both a Physician and Alchemist.

converts into the Herbrewer
who has herbalists abilities plus 1 dayvig.

396 - Sheriff


The Gravedigger

Blue Dragon Investigative
Pay-Off(Passive) - If you die at night, publicly identify how you died.
Examination (Night) - Discover how a person died. - Infinite Uses
Second Look (Night) - Discover what a player did on the night of their death. - 4 uses.
Your objective is to Eliminate the Unseen, The Cult, and any Neutrals who stand against you

The Graverobber

Unseen Investigative
Hard Life (Passive) - If you die at night , the Unseen will know which class killed you.
No Evidence (Night) - If target player dies , erase their logs. - 3 uses
Second Look (Night) - Discover what a player did on the night of their death. - Infinite Uses
Your objective is to Eliminate the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals who stand against you.