Grand Idea Mafia: FoL Edition

Me I’m every game:

The Rowlet
BD social

Passive: all checks come up as guilty
Night: mod-confirm yourself as BD, you cannot be protected after this

Wins with BD

This can confirm it, though.


Blue Oyster Cult Leader

Same as CL but the Blue Oyster Cult are a seperate faction and they’re immune to Reaper-like actions because they don’t fear the reaper


Normal citizen but all TP’s are forced to target him n1 , and he will be force converted n1.




The protector
If PKR rolls he will be automatically protected from conversion N1

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post 439

Passive Princess

Blue Dragon Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new King earlier than other players
Passive Talker (Passive) - You may not start any conversation or inquiry during the day, unless asked to. Doing so will disable Princess’ Tea Party and Alone and Exposed.
Mesmerising Stare (Day) - Stares persuasively at one person. He will be redirected to you tonight. 3 uses.
Alone and Exposed (Night) - Discover the exact class of your visitor if only one person visited you that night. Infinite use.
Princess’ Tea Party (Night) - Start a tea party with your maids.You will know who visit you that night. Infinite use.

Passive Duchess

Unseen Investigative
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new King earlier than other players
Passive Talker (Passive) - You may not start any conversation or inquiry during the day, unless asked to. Doing so will disable Together for the Night and Duchess’ Tea Party.
Mesmerising Stare (Day) - Stares persuasively at one person. He will be redirected to you tonight. 3 uses.
Together for the NIght (Night) - Discover the exact class of your target and receives the feedback her recieves if no one visited your target that night. Infinite use.
Duchess’ Tea Party (Night) - Start a party with your maids.You will know who visit the Unseen that night. Infinite use.

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Passive Prince :shield:

Blue Dragon Killer
Royal Blood (Passive) - You can step up to become the new King earlier than other players.
Mute (Passive) - You may only send one message in the thread every day. Get fucked Firekitten. Accusations are an exception.
Big Gay Stare (Day) - Stares persuasively at one person. He will be redirected to you tonight, but only if the class is a Male. If a gender is not specified, use the gender of the player. - Infinite uses
Reach Over For the Keys (Night) - The one visitor will be jailed the next night, if only that one person visited you that night. You will be able to talk to them the next night - Infinite use.
Exeggutor (Night) - Execute current imprisoned player. If there is nobody currently imprisoned. You will kill a random visitor. You will use all uses of this ability if you die

Convert Immune

Post 441:
Every Class from Camelot

442 -


Neutral Killer
Theory (Passive) - You are immune to occupation, redirection and death. Additionally you will turn into Sans if you are attacked.
PK Spark β (Day) - Everybody else will be prevented from visiting your night target. - 2 uses
PK Fire α (Night) - Kill targeted player. - Infinte uses
PK Rockin Ω (Night) - All players visiting target will die tonight. - 1 use


Neutral Killer
Theory (Passive) - You are immune to occupation, redirection and death. Additionally you will turn into Ness if you are attacked.
You’re Blue Now (Day) - Everybody else will be prevented from visiting your night target. - 2 uses
Gaster Blaster (Night) - Kill targeted player. - Infinte uses
Bad Time (Night) - All players visiting target will die tonight. - 1 use

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443 -

The Lord

Blue Dragon Special
The Ideal Form of Balance (Passive) - Enjoy getting this shit class just because the community think vanilla cits are the ideal form of balance

Converts into The Fraud or The Cultist

The Fraud

Unseen Special
The Ideal Form of Balance (Passive) - Enjoy getting this shit class just because the community think vanilla cits are the ideal form of balance

The Cultist

Cult Special
The Ideal Form of Balance (Passive) - Enjoy getting this shit class just because the community think vanilla cits are the ideal form of balance

Post 444:


The Celeste

Borderline Gamethrowing (Passive) - You must lie about your abilities and all results that stem from them in any conversation during the day. Additionally, you will be an extra member of a random faction.
RNGoddess’ Luck (Day) - Choose a target faction. A random member from that faction will be dayvigged, bypassing immunities. This ability may only be used on a Dayphase that is a multiple of 3. - 3 uses
Marl’s Biased (Day) - Force the host to invite you to the classcard of a player. You may talk to them even while dead. - 1 use
The Timezone Monster (Night) - If a player is not on for 12 hours, you may take one of their abilities. You will not know what ability this is nor their faction. You may use this ability an unlimited amount of times. - 2 uses
Goal: Survive to the end of the game while letting every member of your faction die.

@Pug Can u copy and paste all the Camelot classes and paste them here as a post? Thx

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445 -

Danganronpa Roleplayer

Blue Dragon Investigative
Script (Passive) - You must act like a character based on any Danganronpa Roleplay in the forums (Example: Uzu, Faze…). The character you must act as will be decided through RNG. The personality of the character will also be described to you. If you break character, you will die immediately.
No, That’s Wrong! (Day) - Find a contradiction. It will be pointed out to you. - 2 Uses
Investigation (Night) - Examine a dead player to get clues as to how they died. Clues can range from anything, but they cannot say who the killer is directly. - Infinite Uses
Goal: Defeat the Unseen, Cult, and any neutrals that attempt to bring you harm.
Converts into the Remnant of Despair or Seeker



Neutral Citizen



The Wind Spirit

Unknown Support
Protection of the Wind (Passive) - Immune to bleeding and poison. You are immune to death on nights where you do not use an ability.
Closing Pressure (Day) - Change the win condition of a neutral to that of your own. If you target a Town or Evil, it will fail. - 1 use
Whirlwind (Night) - Target two players. Anyone who visits them will be redirected to the other. Bypasses occupation/redirection immunity. - Infinite uses
Wind Storm (Night) - Cause a violent storm to brew outside the castle. All players will be redirected to a random player, bypassing occupation/redirection immunity. - 1 use
Goal: Do not let any Neutrals die.


Neuts out tho

Post 448:


The True Host

Unknown Special
Thread Host (Passive) - If this class is chosen to be apart of a game, the player to recieve this class is able to reroll up to 3 different classes and choose who a single class goes to.
Memory Issues (Passive) - You are immune to poison, bleeding, occupation, and redirection. However, in exchange if you are not town you will not know who your faction members are nor be in a chat with them. They will know who you are and your class.
Host’s Moderror (Day) - Accidentally tell a member of your faction. This ability will fail if you are a member of the evil faction. - 2 uses
Late Joiners! (Day) - Allow a dead player of the opposite faction to rejoin the game as a member of your faction. They will recieve a random unused class. - 1 use
Paradoxical Results (Night) - You are able to see all results tonight and are able to change any results you wish. You will not know who used the ability nor the class that has the ability. - 3 uses
Late Day… (Night) - This ability will automatically be used if more than 25% of all members do not choose an ability to use. The night phase will last three hours longer than normal. This ability may not be used normally. - 1 use
Goal: Your faction’s wincon.
Town: See the evils dead.
Neutral: Survive to the end of the game with another neutral.
Evil: See the town and all those who oppose you dead.


The Donald Trump

Neutral Offensive
MAGA (Passive) - If you don’t say “Make America Great Again!” every day then you’ll commit suicide the following night.
Nasty Woman (Passive) - A random player is assigned to be Crooked Hillary. You need to accuse them for treason every day, otherwise you will commit suicide the following night.
Twitter (Day) - Send a message to the mods and they will type it out in all caps and end it with “SAD!” - Infinite uses
Fake News! (Day) - If a player voted you up this day, then tonight they will be framed. - Infinite uses
Build a Wall! (Night) - Causes a player to have their action prevented. - Infinite uses
COVFEFE! (Night) - Causes all player who visit Crooked Hillary this night to die. Can be used with Build a Wall. - Three uses.
Your objective is to prevent Crooked Hillary from acting three turns in a row or get them executed.

I did it for the meme.



The King King

Neutral Special
Pass the Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, there will be a vote held to crown the next King King. If you are executed for treason all players will lose their Royal Blood passive permanently.
Head of the Head of State (Passive) - Your vote counts as four, because 2+2=4.
Royally Pardoning Royal Pardon (Day) - Make a player unable to be voted via voting today. - 2 uses
Fatefully and Decisively Deciding the Fate (Day) - You may choose the whether the player on trial will be executed in an executed manner or pardoned in a pardond manner. - 1 use
Guard Guards! (Night) - You will guard your own guards. Nothing will happen. - 3 uses
Ordering Executions in an Orderly Manner (Night) - Kills a player. This will cause them to die, as people die when they are killed. - 2 uses
In order to win, you must win.

Crowned from:

  • Any King

451 :

Wish boi

Blue Dragon Special
Passive 1 - Not today! - Immune to occupation and redirection
Shooting time!(Day) - Start an ITA 15% to hit,everyone can shoot once per ita event - 1 use
Wish nicely!(Day) - Start a wish event (Must be said in thread)- 2 uses
Congratulations!(Night) - Fulfill a wish from yesterday wishing event - 2 uses
Hello there! - Start a permanent chat with someone.You can change this only if your old target dies. - Unlimited uses


@Margaret thoughts and ideas on how to improve it? :thinking: